Group Patient and throw reminder

Hello, I would like to utilize the patient grouping feature in OpenEMR. With that, I would like to throw the reminder to complete some assessment.

e.g., Patient A, Patient B, and Patient C are in a group I. I create one XYZ assessment reminder for Group I patient that need to be completed whenever provider opens the details of either of patients. Excepts these three patient, all other patient (in a different group) should not have a reminder.

Welcome @sajanasigdel
Is this what you’re referencing?

Currently this feature is used in Portal Dashboard for assigning/grouping patients to send documents to portal by groups

Yes, Would you please elaborate how can we use this feature in Portal Dashboard to send documents to portal by groups or direct me to the link which describes that.

I haven’t implemented this for anything except in Portal Templates although there are many types of usages I hoped others would pick up and add to project.

The only way you might be able to use is perhaps creating a rule in CDR e.g. Admin->Practice Rules Turn feature on in Config CDR. Good luck

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It did work. Thank you. One last question how do I find the link of the custom forms/questionnaire registered from LOINC to attach to the CDR. So, if worker clicks on the passive CDR they will be directed to the respective forms.