Glitch in upgrading database from 5.0.0 to 5.0.2 in Linux

I have used OpenEMR version 5.0.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 server successfully and have accumulated much practice data in a MySQL database. I am in the process of trying to upgrade to version 5.0.2. To do so, I have set up Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server and have put in all the dependencies. I have changed the default sql_mode to β€˜β€™ and have confirmed that. I can set up a raw installation in version 5.0.2, and it seems to work fine. Patient demographics display is good. I then source the old version 5.0.0 database dump into the other setup. I subsequently source the 5_0_0-to-5_0_1_upgrade.sql script and next the 5_0_1-to-5_0_2_upgrade.sql script. I do not see any errors other than occasional β€œtable already exists,” for example. My problem is that something appears to be wrong with the demographics display with the converted data. The patient_data table seems OK – there is something wrong with the layout. I suspect that there there may be something wrong in the conversion or creation of tables called layout_options and/or layout_group_properties. Maybe it is something else. Does anybody have a suggestion?

hi @rleemhuis, drop the database, create a new database and import a backup of your 5.0.0 before you run the upgrade and it’s fine to jump from 5.0.0 to 5.0.2 in one step.

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I have been manually sourcing the incremental upgrade scripts and not using the built-in script caller. I do understand what you suggest. I will give it a try, but I suspect something is wrong with the 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 script.

I followed your advice, and my upgrade from 5.0.0 to 5.0.2 now works properly. My error was that I failed to create an empty openemr database. I was using a database with the table structure from a new version 5.0.2 installation. I assumed that my database restoration would wipe out all the pre-existing tables. That was an unwarranted assumption. Some tables were left behind. Their presence prevented the conversion from doing all the necessary operations.