I’m using git from a terminal on open suse linux. When I try to feed my local repository with the command
> git pull upstream master
where upstream is set to git://github.com/openemr/openemr.git
the command times out:
fatal: unable to connect to github.com: github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out
the same is true for anything trying to connect to upstream, e.g.
git remote show upstream
does anyone have an idea why this has started to happen, many thanks.
ahh. Has something changed ? - i had been following instructions in Git for Dummies, on the openemr wiki - and they had been working until recently? but no worries, i’m just pleased to have it working (i can now see the syntaxes in the git help)
Git made a security change that removed that option. Can’t recall how long ago, I think within the last year. It used to fall back to https if you used the prior syntax. Now it just fails.