Get EMR data through API call

Hi, I’m a clinician from Sri Lanka. I am trying to use OpenEMR as a separate software for clinical use. There is a already established EMR in my hospital. I have developed a API in that. I want to call that API and get patient data and record in the OpenEMR realtime. The data are not coded and transfered as it is.
I am really glad if you can help me to get this done.

hi Malintha

there is some documentation about using the API here

have you looked at this yet, it might answer some of your questions

Thanks. I’m a newbie to this field, so please bear with me.
I went through the documentation. But I could not find how to make a API call from OpenEMR. It is about getting data from OpenEMR and sending data to OpenEMR from a third party, isn’t it?
In my case OpenEMR will be the third party. I’m not sure if it is posible at all. If not what are the solutions I can use?

Are you trying to push (store) data into OpenEMR, or get data out of OpenEMR. If OpenEMR is the receiver of the data you can use what we call the standard APIs. The documentation has several examples of API calls and even has a tool called swagger which you can use to test API calls without writing code yourself. Not sure if you missed it on that page @ruth posted but the direct link to the standard api documentation is here: openemr/ at rel-702 · openemr/openemr · GitHub

I’m actually trying to pull data to OpenEMR. Is that posible?

There must be some kind of language barrier, in my previous post I said it was possible to pull data into OpenEMR.