Generating Past Receipts

kdmnd82 wrote on Wednesday, November 16, 2011:

We have OpenEMR 4.0.0
I am having trouble printing old receipts for my patients.  We are a private clinic where patients pay at the end of every visit.  Some of our patients have lost their receipts and need new ones generated to send to insurance, but we have been unable to find them.

any help at all would be appreciated



kevmccor wrote on Wednesday, November 16, 2011:

How do you create the receipts in the first place?
Have you used the EOB entry page: Fees | Billing -> EOB link at top right ?

I personally don’t know about the Fees | Checkout screen - it did not make sense to me, probably because it is too obvious.

jenjhall wrote on Thursday, November 17, 2011:

When a patient is selected and you use popups (below the menu choices) to make a payment, a popup window is displayed which can be printed (after saving) to make a receipt.  The first window also shows some past payments but I don’t know how far back it goes.  This window does not offer the option of printing though.

A better way to print past payments is to choose “report” on the patient summary screen and with just “Billing” selected choose to “Generate Report”.  Then select to have a “Printable Version” and print it from the File>Print option of your browser.


drlong wrote on Thursday, September 18, 2014:

To re-explore an old thread that is relevant to my situation…

We are a private clinic, and the patient pays in full at the completion of each appointment.

We generate a receipt for each encounter by:

Fees --> Fee Sheet (select appropriate treatment category) --> Checkout (choose ‘Show Details’ and ‘Print’)

This works extremely well, as the generated receipt contains all applicable information for insurance purposes, including a detailed list of products and services.

However, as far as I can tell, one cannot simply choose ‘Checkout’ for past encounters to re-print old receipts. In fact, only the most recent encounter receipt is ever visible. Quite often we have a request to re-print all receipts for a given time period, usually because the patient has lost their receipts prior to submission for reimbursement from their private insurance.

I have tried the solutions listed above, and none provide a nice receipt that is comparable to the actual receipt function.

Currently, we are either re-issuing a receipt through Quickbooks, or having our bookkeeper pull the clinic copy from the archives and photocopying it. Obviously, this isn’t the ideal solution.

Does anyone have any insight on printing old receipts? Especially important is that the receipt shows an itemized list of all products and services rendered from that encounter. For example, the EOB function will show products as the inventory number(i.e.‘PRODUCT XXX’), instead of the actual name of the product (i.e. ‘Therapeutic Compression Stockings’), which needs to be delineated for insurance coverage.

Thank you in advance for any assistance!

fsgl wrote on Thursday, September 18, 2014:

The EOB Posting Invoice can be printed from the browser.

If products need more specific identifiers, it can be accomplished via the HCPCS/CPT codes.

fsgl wrote on Friday, September 19, 2014:

Another area to explore is the Charges Panel with attention directed to the right panel of the triptypch.