Recently the healthcare group I work for updated from v5.0.2(3) to v6. As a result of that change, whenever we attempt to use the X12 Options to generate an X12 to send to our clearinghouse, the header is left blank, have not filled the Sender Qualifier Number, Sender ID, Reciever Qualifer, Reciever ID, or the sender codes. This is a bit perplexing as it worked completely fine when we were using v5.0.2(3). When I checked the X12 Partner all of our information transferred over properly with none of the fields missing and the version we are using is being filled into the form as well.
If anyone has any recommendations or ideas on how this may be rectified, we would be extremely grateful. Or if this doesn’t make sense, please let me know and I will try to better explain myself as well.
Note: I do not have access to the code for OpenEMR as that is handled by another set of individuals of the healthcare group.
Edit-1: The billing logs show that nothing is wrong when using the logs for the billing manager.
Though it shows each time I select a new patient group to create an X12 as missing those fields in the validation, it works once I press continue. That is strange.
I’m not sure what is going on there, but it seems it is all working now. Thanks!
If I realize that anything else is wrong, or if I misunderstood the problem again, I will be sure to ask for help again. I really appreciate all that you have done to help Stephen. You really brought us some peace of mind if this really was all that was messing us up.
That would certainly be helpful! If I understood the problem on our end correctly, then I can presume everything has been done properly. If I realized that I was looking at the wrong problem, then that is 100% on me, as OpenEMR is pretty good on making sure everything works properly.