General Capability

mbturner81 wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:

I will apologize if this questions has been asked and answered 1000 times, but despite searching numerous times, and working for countless hours in the demo, I can’t figure out a concrete answer. But I will give a little backstory so you know the reasons why I need this.

I work for a non-profit mental health clinic. After evaluating every EMR on the market, we have decided to go with OpenEMR. For the most part, it is 90% there. The remaining 10% is critical to us, however. We have a group of therapist that are in office, and some that are community based. Currently, after they see a patient, they complete our encounter forms, log the visit via a web interface, and route the paper forms to their respective supervisors for approval. Once the encounter is verified by the supervisor it is marked as such in the master spreadsheet that contains all of our data. The therapist are paid based off of completed and verified paperwork. If the paperwork is wrong, we can’t submit to insurance, and they don’t’ get paid. Currently, we have a MASSIVE spreadsheet that tracks all of this, but requires everything to be sorted and marked by line item. Here is what I need…

When the therapist complete a session and file the paperwork it is sent to their supervisor for approval. Once the supervisor approves the encounter it moves to be billed by the front office staff. If the supervisor rejects the encounter then it shouldn’t show up to be billed as it isn’t complete. 2 times a month I would need to run a report with a date range showing all of the approved encounters and then have a way to mark that they provider was paid for that session. The encounters would also need to display a proper signature on any encounter forms that were printed.

I don’t need this to track payroll or anything too weird. I just need to be able to mark that it has been paid our for payroll purposes, and preferably be able to do this in some sort of mass approvals.

Thanks in advance for your advice.


fsgl wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:

The clinical note can be entered into the Documents tab of Patient Summary or can be a part of the Encounter Form as a NationNote. The latter must be a .jpeg file.

In the Encounter Form the supervisor can make a notation that the clinical note has been approved & subsequently the therapist has been paid for the work. This form can be locked preventing any overwrite.

It would be a good idea to use the Calendar to record the appointments. It would make it easier for the billing clerk know which patient needs a Fee Sheet for which date of service.