Fun with new OpenEMR themes


Now that we have lots of nice theme options (thank you @zbig01! ), I thought it would be a good idea to alternate between them in the development (master) branch, so folks can see them (especially on the development demos). I just set the default theme from style_light to style_mustard_green.css; so all the development demos in an hour or so will be using this theme :slight_smile:

If folks think this is a good idea, then I’ll plan to change the theme every couple days and announce it here. And just holler if you have any preferences.


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thank you @brady.miller, mustard green is easy on the eyes however the dev demos seem to have reset to light. ( i changed to mustard green)

hi @stephenwaite ,
Yep, the dev demos with demo data still use light (since they are being replaced with demo data sql information), so only able to do this in the dev demos without demo data. When have time, will place some sort of optional random theme chooser option in the docker demo farm(this is low priority, though, so could take a long, long time :slight_smile: ).

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Hi ,

Even though there are much higher priority items to work, I simply could not help myself :slight_smile:

I just added feature to the demo farm to support random theme choosing and are using it for all the Development demos listed here:
(when they refresh late tonight, they will be using random themes)

In case you are curious, here is the bash function that does the random choosing:
demo_farm_openemr/ at master · openemr/demo_farm_openemr · GitHub
(note I did weight style_light to be chosen about 20% of the time, so it gets chosen sometimes)


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@zbig01 ,
Check out the development demos late tonight. Most of them will have a random assortment of your themes :smile:


Thank you for the random color schemes. :wink:


Here are the random themes for the day :smile:


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pleasing purple, thank you @brady.miller @zbig01 :slight_smile:

Hmm, Something seems wrong with this theme. Everything appears to be backwards :slight_smile:

Some people are visitors from Orion and are using RTL :slight_smile:

Seriously though, RTL is difficult to get right and these look very nice. I think RTL and Language support is one of OpenEMR’s biggest pluses.

Indeed the RTL is great and the translation support helps a lot too.

Did another one just now “Baby Shower” LOL

Gold edition :slight_smile:

hi all,

The random themes now also include @tywrenn 's new bootstrap 4 based themes in the developer demos:
(chances are 1:1:1:1 for color vs light vs dark vs superhero)

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