ajperezcrespo wrote on Monday, July 30, 2012:
Hi Folks,
I have noticed that Front Office Rec will show “Efectivo” but not “Cash” Amounts. By this I mean anything labeled “CASH” is not included in this report. I have just applied patch 13. No I was not able to reproduce this on the demo site, but then again the demo site is not patched (or am I wrong?).
To reproduce this I login in Spanish, go to popups->payment and register a payment in “Efectivo”. Then I relogin in English go top popups->payment and register a payment in “Cash”.
When I go to Reports->Financials->Frontoffice only “Efectivo” Payments are there. Oddly enough the “Cash” Payments are in the Fee Sheet and other reports.
Ubuntu 10.04
OpenEMR 4.1.0(13)