Front office Collection

shameer007 wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

Hi Dears,
if i am a front office receptionist then how can get my collection report when close my duty.and if another receptionist take the response of front office after when i finish the duty.and how we can take the individual collection report of same day
thanks in advance

cmswest wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

you can go to reports->financial->front rec

here’a a thread by mdsupport for adding totals

fsgl wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

The Front Office Receipts Report is a good suggestion.

Stephen would have to help with the code change to add a filter for Users in openemr/interface/reports/front_office_receipts.php. An additional column for Users will give a breakdown of who collected what.

Additionally a total for each user would be helpful.

shameer007 wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

the same question from fsgl actually i asking??

fsgl wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

I was attempting to refine the question for Stephen. His link is applicable to a breakdown of payment methods (credit card, cash, checks) in the Front Office Receipts report.

A breakdown according to Users & subtotals for each user is at the heart of the original question.

I am certain that if we wait patiently, Stephen will respond with a more targeted solution.

cmswest wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

oh,just copy and paste the line here and call it User instead of Time

and then do the same with these 3 except copy and paste above and use [‘user’]

cmswest wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

so it could look like this

shameer007 wrote on Tuesday, December 23, 2014:

Thanks stephen…thank you very much…and thank you fsgl…

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, December 23, 2014:

Vermonters are the best.

It was our pleasure.

shameer007 wrote on Wednesday, May 13, 2015:

and any option to get the method wise sorting, like cash collection of user credit_card collection of the user
and then total collection all users credit card collection
and cash collection separately

shameer007 wrote on Wednesday, May 13, 2015:

$query = "SELECT, r.dtime, " .
"SUM(r.amount1) AS amount1, " .
"SUM(r.amount2) AS amount2, " .
"MAX(r.method) AS method, " .
"MAX(r.source) AS source, " .
"MAX(r.user) AS user, " .
"p.fname, p.mname, p.lname, p.pubpid " .
"FROM payments AS r " .
"LEFT OUTER JOIN patient_data AS p ON " .
" = " .
"WHERE " .
"r.dtime >= ‘$from_date 00:00:00’ AND " .
"r.dtime <= ‘$to_date 23:59:59’ " .
“GROUP BY r.dtime, ORDER BY r.dtime,”;
in this query
if can i add “GROUP BY r.dtime,,method ORDER BY r.dtime,,user”;


$res = sqlStatement(
'SELECT user, SUM(amount1 + amount2) amt FROM payments '.
'WHERE DATE(dtime) >= ? AND DATE(dtime) <= ? '.
‘GROUP by user’, array($from_date, $to_date));
in this query can i add ‘GROUP by user,method’, array($from_date, $to_date));

what will happen??

if any mistake i made please forgive me…