drbowen wrote on Thursday, March 02, 2006:
Both SQL-Ledger and freeB are much more difficult and lengthy to install.
Use a real server. Don’t do all this work on something you don’t intend to use in production. Windows 2000 probably won’t work without a lot of kludging and frustration. Win2000 will also be difficult to upgrade. Use Windows XP professional or Windows 2003 Server. I have the Windows 2003 Server Enterprise edition.
You need to get PostgreSQL working first, before SQL-Ledger will work.
Then get SQL-Ledger working. SQL-Ledger has a windows precompiled binary and this should help somewhat. Carefully ecord all of the usernames and passwords on paper and print clearly. You will need them. Typos and mistaken symbols will be costly in terms of time and effort. Please don’t try to rely on memory alone for this section.
You then need to make sure PERL is working in XAMPP. You will need to install the PERL modules that are listed. Using CPAN is the easiest and quickest way to do this. There are A LOT of binary prerequisites and CPAN handles this very efficiently.
The FreeB server should start without complaining.
Then you have to configure /webroot/openemr/interface/config.php to get freeB to talk to SQL-Ledger. This has to be working correctly before you add any new patients. Patients added before OPenEMR-FreeB-SQL-Ledger are all installed and correctly configured will not transfer to SQL-Ledger and will likely have to be added to SQL-Ledger by hand. as an alternative you can dump the openemr database and reload it after the openemr-freeb-sql-ledger are configured and talking with each other.
You will get some squirrely error messages as you make progress. Not all of these are bad news. Several of them are expected and mean you are making good progress and are ready for the next phase of the installation.
Post your error messages here so that we can commment. Most of us have seen these error messages and know what they are indicative of and whether you are ready to go to the naext step.
Frequently we will be able top tell what step you left out. (We’ve all already made the same mistakes.)
Please include with every post your operating system (the long name). Don’t assume that we know (or remember) your entire configuration. Your OpenEMR version (if using CVS the date of your download), the MySQL version, PHP version, freeB version (or CVS date), SQL-Ledger version, PERL modules, PostgreSQL version (may not help but through it in)
Your can put this as a regular footer at the bottom of your posts. I guarantee these are the first things we always ask for. The next thing that we always ask for are what error messages are you getting in the system log and the Apache error logs.
Finally most of these guys are die hard linux-unix fans, users and administrators. You will hear more that one carp or suggestion to cave and use a linux server instead. Don’t let that offend you.
These guys are really misguided religious zealots that think being a missionary is just too dangerous for them. Have you seen “End of the Spear?” Gruesome, missionary work. Doesn’t stop them from carping though.
Keep me posted. There are some in these forums who are just as devout about Microsft Windows.
Sam Bowen, MD