FreeB installation

sankar1234 wrote on Sunday, July 17, 2005:

I did an installation of FreeB.  After long painful hours, I got it to a point where it is giving me error like this.

executing format
Fault returned from XML RPC Server, fault code 1 FreeB.FBFacility.CLIACode: Unknown method

any ideas?  I entered CPT and ICD codes.  All the demo data has been filled.  Including Insurance.  Not sure what is missing.


tekknogenius wrote on Monday, July 18, 2005:

Are you running the freeb from cvs? If not, then you need to. I am running it for billing and don’t have any problems (other than the occasional hiccup and having to make changes to accomodate the clearing house I’m using). Stock freeb does not work as far as I know.