I tried to generate a X12 document and gave that command in the billing screen.
I tried to install the freeb server and it is successful as you can see in this message.
before server setup
But when I run formatbin\x12.pl I got this error message.
C:\wamp\www\demoemr\library\freeb>php -q process_bills.php bill
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Constant ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC already defined in <b>C:\wamp\www\dem
oemr\library\sql.inc</b> on line <b>6</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: SERVER_NAME in <b>C:\wamp\www\demoemr\includes
\config.php</b> on line <b>49</b><br />
Creating job for: 3-11 as x12 returning edi.
Claim for PatientID: 3, Encounter: 3-11 failed due to:
However the problem you are describing seems likely to be Windows-specific. I don’t know anyone who has FreeB and OpenEMR working together under Windows; absent that, I would expect multiple issues need to be resolved, which will surely require a developer to put some significant effort into it.
I would recommend a Linux server as the best approach, both short and long term.
The fix is some path problems related to unix and windows style perl programming . I changed the paths, I came upto this which seems to be similar to the error message posted in the openemr.net.
Error is
Fault returned from XML RPC Server, fault code 3: Incorrect parameters passed to
method: Wanted int, got string at param 1 Method Name: FreeB.FBBillingService.N
args xmlrpcmsg Object
[payload] =>
[methodname] => FreeB.FBBillingService.Name
[params] => Array
[0] => xmlrpcval Object
[me] => Array
[string] =>
[mytype] => 1
[debug] => 0
But I couldn’t fix it though the answer is fixing the superbill.
How do I remove all entries in the super bill and start from fresh? Somehow, the CPT codes seems to be missing in the billing though I enter them along with ICD9 code.
But the good thing is : Freeb is running under windows too after almost two weeks on war footing with this …
ANy help is appreciated with the superbill. I can pass the IP address of my machine if someone can spend 5-10 minutes to fix this.
I did that also in the Database last night. But didn’t work. I am not sure what the problem is. I am providing all the information. But still getting the same error.
I checked the manual. The manual says DOB shuold be in yyyy-mm-dd format. When I changed the patient data to this format, it somehow reverts back to mm/dd/yyyy.
FreeB is working (but not tested with clearinghouses) after I found that the Date function is making it hang. I commented it out and it started generating files.