Hi, I believe I read about several forms available for OpenEMR, anybody knows where to fine these templates? basically, what I need is a form that allows to save data on the same form once a year without loosing any past information previously entered into the form. thanks in advance!
The History (History link in patient summary screen) module kind of works like that; it saves all changes to the database, but only shows the most recent. However, there is no way to view them. The vitals form list all previous entries from previous forms, so could also do something like that. Bunch of forms are stored in contrib/forms (use at own risk) along with several (which are tested to work) at administration->other->forms. Also a page on the wiki for forms that has not been tha suuccessful(only one form there so far): http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_Contributed_Forms
After re-reading your post, note that all the forms should do what you requested above. For example, enter in information into a form, and then 1 year later enter new information into the form again.
I tried some of the forms located at /openemr/contrib/forms to see how they work. I couldn’t believe how easy it is to implement them. Now what I need is a field like the one in Layouts, a “List box w/add”; I believe there is not a field type like that in the formmaker yet. Also I am not sure how to make it to appear in the Patient’s summary like Vitals form. Thanks all!
Also, I have OpenEMR installed on WAMP; for some reason a test form I created is working fine when entering data but I am not able to edit or see that data again. Now, when I use a Virtual Machine (Ubuntu 10.04/ oemr 4) with the same test form it works just fine, any ideas what setting is wrong in WAMP?? Thanks in advance!
What is your operating system? On windows, both the more recent versions of Xampp and WAMP currently have a nasty bug likely related to the php or mysql version (although, we honestly haven’t figured out why yet). Version 1.7.3 for XAMPP is the highest version that works with OpenEMR and I don’t know where it broke with WAMP. Here’s the thread on the elusive bug: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/forums/forum/202505/topic/4782368
I just installed XAMPP 1.7.3 and now I am able to save a custom form but when I try to retrieve a group of check boxes I don’t get the ones I previously selected. Same for a multi value list. Any ideas?