Forms and Billing

drbowen wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2005:

Could we include a button with each of the clinical forms that pulls up Rod Roark’s fee sheet.

I like the fee sheet works and this would alloe the practitioner to code the encounter from inside the form in use.

As the practitioner is completing their assesment/impression he/she could use Rod Roark’s fee sheet to look up the ICD codes to fill in diagnoses 1,2,3,4 etc.

The practitioners will like this.  It will allow standardization of the spelling of diagnoses, allows tracking of the problems that Rod has proposed previously, and initiates the first half of the billing process from the practitioner’s point of view.

The practitioner could then select the E/M code (CPT) and "justify" with diagnosis #1 (ICD code #1) completing the second half of the billing function for the E/M part of the encounter.

If labs and x-rays are entered into the plan, these could also be chosen using the fee sheet and justified with ICD codes in a line item fashion.

as an exmple:


#1) 250.00 Diabetes mellitus uncomplicated
#2) 401.9   Essential hypertension
#3) 272.4   Mixed hyperlipidemia

E/M code: 99214, est. ov. detailed (250.00)  (click here to edit the diagnosis)


#1) 71020 TC, chest x-ray 2 views (786.09, dyspnea)     (click here to edit the diagnosis)
#2) 85024     ,  CBC  (780.6 fever)                            (click here to edit the diagnosis)
#3) 81002     ,  Urinalysis   (724.5 back pain)                  (click here to edit the diagnosis)

What do you think?

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2005:

Do you mean to bring up the fee sheet as a popup window?  Offhand it sounds reasonable.

Also how do folks feel about the use of multiple windows in general?  I was wondering why previous OpenEMR development avoided them so completely.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

drbowen wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2005:

A pop window is what I had in mind.

If a pop window were left open, could it be tied to the open session in the "main window".  I.E. could we just leave open the fee sheet tool and have it operate on the currently open encounter/session.  This would especially convenient.

In my mind this would work something like the floating windows of "the Gimp".

We need to be able to line item justify each CPT code with the appropriate ICD code.

Can the "justify" function be incorporated into the fee sheet so that we could:

enter the CPT or HCPCS and immediately match up the ICD code?

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2005:

Hmm.  Seems like normal and expected behavior for a popup would be for it to close which you click the Save button.  Some users may get annoyed or confused if it hangs around.

In general multiple window situations need to be designed thoughtfully to make sure that state information does not get out of sync.  On a related note, see my RFE entry entitled "Rearrange Framesets".

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

sanchiro wrote on Sunday, June 26, 2005:

I am converting over to openemr from Lytec Medical, which uses the Btrieve Record Manager. I know with Lytec, I can have multiple ledger, notes, schedule and other such windows open, allowing me to keep several projects available with just window switching.

Have any of you ever worked with Btrieve? It’s fast, at least for my installation which has about 6000 unique patient accounts.

sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, June 26, 2005:

Btrieve has been around since 1982 and has gone through many transformations.  But I guess you’re asking about conversion; there’s this post, where the author indicates he’s done a Lytec conversion:

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>