I used the XML form generator to create a new encounter form. The form is operational to the extent that it does appear in the drop-down list of clinical forms on the patient encounter page, the form comes up when chosen and it correctly stores the collected data for a test patient in the database.
The problem arises when I go to display the form on the patient reports page. I see a check box to include it in the report. I check that and select ‘generate report’ but only the report title and the first item of data in the report will appear. No further data shows beneath that first item, which happens to be the provider. The first item is from using the provider field type for that record in the XML file.
I see:
Prenatal Form
Provider:John Smith
and that’s it but I know there’s more data that is not being shown. Here’s the data in the db:
date: 2019-11-07 07:50:55
id: 1
pid: 1
effective_date: NULL
provider: 1
form_date: 2019-11-07 00:00:00
preg_week: 6
patient_name: Rumple S.
dob_date: 2019-10-05 00:00:00
weight_nonpg: 275
allergies: sulfa
allergies_oth: pollen.hay.
weight_wk: 285
bp_wk: 120/80
bp2_wk: 120/80
urine_wk: 23
fht_wk: 42
presentation_wk: upsidedown
fh_wk: 56
fm_wk: NO
return_wk: NO
notes: This is a note.
signature_box: Admin
sig_date: 2019-11-07 00:00:00
and the report.php file seems to account for all the data. It’s just not displaying. Please help.
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version v5.0.2 (1)
Browser :
I’m using: Chrome, Firefox
Operating System
OpenEMR: Ubuntu Server 18.04 on a dedicated computer.
Edited: attached error detail from logerrordetail.txt (87.2 KB)