Forgot Username

Someone told me about OPENEMR and guided me through installing it, but I forgot to write the username. Is there a way to retrieve it somewhere?

Look in users table to see user names but not password.

thank you, where is that exactly? yes I do remember the password

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hi remy,
and welcome to the openemr community.

i think jerry was referring to drop down menu admin->users - clicking on a user lets you change their password.

one can also look in the ‘user’ table of the database - but as jerry says, one can’t see passwords as they are stored encrypted in a different table ‘users_secure’

I understand, im stuck here

so if in the database I can see the username, ill be good because I remember the password. where I can find what you say?

You may do this (examples are in Windows environment, adjust accordingly):

  • Find your SQL configuration of your openemr folder on disk (e.g: C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\sites\default\sqlconf.php)
  • Record/memorize the user and password from the file above (might be simply openemr for both user and password in case left to defaults)
  • Find MySQL client folder and change directory to that from command line (e.g: cd /d C:\xampp\mysql\bin)
  • Run mysql -u openemr -popenemr openemr (first openemr is username, next that is attached to p is password and the last is database name in this case, adjust if necessary)
  • now execute “SELECT * from users_secure;” in the client command line interface
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got it! thank you very much to you and everyone who reply so quick! :smiley:

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can select from “users” table as well - the table has all the user names.

when i set up my test system it automatically had ‘admin’ with password ‘pass’ to start with - might your system have that ?

and if you can log in as admin you can see the other users from the admin->users menu