So we have this issue of the new fancybox-based dialogs being too small and not resizable. I noticed there is a fancybox 1.3.4 now (currently OpenEMR uses 1.2.6), and also saw on their demo site a case where they size it as a percentage of the containing window’s dimensions. The new release seems required to do this, so I have been experimenting with that and it’s working fine.
Right now I’m just working with the New Encounter form, which uses a fancybox dialog to add a new issue. Here I also noticed a bug where restoreSession() is not being called when invoking the Add Issue dialog. This is a potentially dangerous bug as it can cause conflicts if there is more than one login session at the same workstation. I fixed that one, however there are doubtless more like it.
Code for education, discussion and comments is here:
I strongly advise all developers to take a look, as these issues are important to anyone coding pop-ups or dialogs.
By the way I’ve hard-coded this particular dialog size as 95% of the size of its container. Do y’all think it’s important to make that adjustable somehow? I’m inclined to just make it an internal variable on the theory that it’s more trouble to explain than it would be worth to the typical user.
This is timely, as I just spent some time with EnSoftek and they have done a fair amount of work converting a number of parts of the system that have not yet been made into fancyboxes. I’ll make sure the see this and act accordingly.
To set up git to automatically fix this when you create a commit (it’s just a configuration setting that can be fixed with one line), check out this link:
As an aside, this is one of the cool things about git on Windows (git deals for this in Windows as a default setting)