There is a big problem but a simple fix with Xampp 1.7 in Windows. It will start MySQL as a service, with no overt means to stop it, and then give annoying bangs while you try to shut off the stoplight which displays.
FIRST THING go to …/xampp/mysql/bin/ and rename the winmysqladmin.exe as something else (nousewinmysqladmin.exe works fine ;-).
Then if you get a checkmark in the checkbox alongside MySQL you need to open the Command Prompt window and after a ">" type SC DELETE MYSQL which removes the locking MySQL Service.
Then, and thereafter, simply press the Start and Stop buttons for each of the Apache and MySQL just as before.
Works like a charm.
Now a request; the 3.0.1 has a default limit of only 100 in the list display for Patients, which is actually set in the globals.php If I want to search through a larger list, there is no arrow set to scroll forward nor backwards from that.
For the moment I have made the globals.php setting 10000, but the arrows would be a lot more useful, as well as consistent with the other limited list displays.
Here’s a more straightforward fix requiring no command line stuff. It will basically remove the bogus mysql service and then install one that actually works.
Double-click following files in order:
The limit in globals.php has to do with overwhelming the resources of the server and client machine. It takes a long time to pull 10,000 records from the MySQL server even on a relatively fast machine. The client will wait patiently waiting for the entire list to load. When you actually do this with 10,000 patients it will cause the client machine to seem to freeze up when everything is really just fine and just taking a while. It doesn’t take long for client / clients to start complaining loudly.
I agree completely. But it will be a LONG while before a single-provider will have so many. That makes OpenEMR perfect for both your big orgs and my little ones
My more important request could leave the 100, but would still allow for faster finds if we don’t know the actual spelling ; maybe it’s leila, leyla, layle or whatever. And what about typos? With 10000 patients, the possibles are bound to be separated by more than 100. So now I have to re-key a different set, whereas the arrows would allow me to scroll, while still viewing only the 100 for fast steps as you rightly point out.
Why not use best practice? We already do that in Superbill and other places.
On a clean XP I installed XAMPP 1.7.0 via the installer and chose to start the mysql and apache services; it worked just fine.
The problem is when you don’t install it as a service. Then if you try to make mysql a service thru the XAMPP control panel then it simply doesn’t work (doesn’t break anything though). The fix for this is to simply double click below file (installs service correctly and starts it):
Pretty minimal issue then. The user needs to either install as service during installation or double-click on the above file after installation.
Joe, I’m guessing the pain you experienced had to do with having previous XAMPP installed causing registry issues. I’m sorry I keep blaming everything on the old XAMPP version; gotta blame something though.
Thanks, but you are wrong. And I am now past that earlier Xampp (1.4) and moved on.
This problem is directly a result of as-distributed 1.7/3.0.1, and I can repeat it every time IF I do not install as a "service" and merely follow known (and your instructions) to start the Apache 7 MySQL. If I then click on the Admin button alongside MySQL, I get a Stoplight followed by repeated crash errors with their annoying "clank". In fact, they happen just frequently enough to almost prevent shutting them off by selecting the stoplight and telling the tool to turn off, which requires following a mouse path over the NT to the Shutoff Tool, which is right where the error pane splashes over it.
The fact that you DO select to run as service is the reason you do not see the problem. But once you do run it as a service, that consumes more resources, thereby slowing the machine. Not everybody wants to use it ONLY as a server for OpenEMR.
I stand by my statements, and the fix. I only found that by looking at the Xampp & Apache friends problems. THEY say the winmysqladmin.exe is no longer useful, but that doesn’t change the fact of its being an active button in the Xampp Doggybone, and the undesirable results from clicking that. Renaming or deleting that file simply prevents the problem.
Here’s what I did with original 1.7.0 installer:
-ran xampp installer 1.7.0
-didn’t select any service
-started xampp control panel
-clicked ‘start’ on apache and mysql
-clicked ‘admin’ on mysql control panel
-it opened winMySQL Admin briefly and then went to a login screen for it
-i typed user and password and ok and i got the bug finally:
-mysql turned off and srv box toggled on and bogus Mysql service (unable to start mysql)
To get out of this I:
-double-clicked /xampp/mysql/mysql-uninstallservice
-(strangely it gets rid of the bogus Mysql service and the mysql now shows up as running and works; you can also clear the srv toggle by clicking on it then)
I think double-clicking file is easier than typing in a command, but I agree that this admin… program is very evil. We know what’s gonna get deleted in the next XAMMP release. For now, I’ll just post on the installation instructions never to hit the pesky admin… button.
How many warnings does it take to reach prevention?
With all due respect - now that you have verified what I have told you, think about your current client base. How many times have they done what you told them not to, or failed to do what you told them TO DO?
Why is there so much push-back on PREVENTING the problem in the first place by doing as I suggested, and rename or delete the file? It WORKS, and thereby prevents the problem from EVER happening. What is wrong with this picture?
Point taken. Added option of deleting the winmysql admin file to installation instructions. If I had clients (which I don’t), I would never let them see that horrid xampp control panel. I’d make two clickable scripts on the desktop for the user to start and stop both mysql/apache.
Now that we’ve released this thing, time to also start looking towards fixing these issues future releases. Sounds like stuff to do so far:
1) remove /xampp/mysql/bin/winmysqladmin.exe
2) one-click installation (executable zip that then runs our install script) ??
3) improve way of stop/starting apche/mysql (if control panel not ideal ?? )
4) not limit installation to c: location