FIrst time Login

jj1up wrote on Sunday, June 16, 2013:

Hello I downloaded using XAamp everything was smooth I am anble to login to the demo account however when I attempt to login to the actual application i get a incorrect username password. Please verif password and user name should be admin pass. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. See for error on login screen below

Notice: Undefined variable: login_body_line in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\login\login.php on line 58
onload=“javascript:document.login_form.authUser.focus();” >

juggernautsei wrote on Sunday, June 16, 2013:

Option 1: Installation as service

Download package here: (MD5 sum: 455bf1eeed1cf73de3933dd8a608a9f3)
Right click downloaded file and select 'Extract All...'
Choose to extract to 'C:' (extracting to C: is required)
Right-click on C:/xampp/xampp-control and select 'Run as administrator' 

    Click the red X to left of Apache
    Click the red X to left of MySQL
    Then click 'start' for Apache and MySQL 

Login at http://localhost/openemr with user:admin pass:pass 

I copied this from the wiki page.

jj1up wrote on Sunday, June 16, 2013:

Hey Sherman I’ve gotten Oopenemr downloaded and am at the login screen however I cannot login using the default username and password as I get an error saying wrong username password… The atual install was easy enough, please advise if you understand exactly what it is I am asking. Thanks anyway for your assistance.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, June 18, 2013:

It is unclear whether you installed the package or XAMPP/OpenEMR separately.

If the installation was the package, try separate installs. If that does not work, try re-installing the package. Be certain to follow the instructions to the letter.