Find Procedure Order pop-up not working

If possible can you share your own
find_order_popup.php (8.6 KB)

@flaviodario was this issue fixed, I think it’s similar to what I am facing. Order Procedure not appears more after it was ordered once

Modified the file using the link you sent, but that too did not fix the issue.

@sunsetsystems @sjpadgett @brady.miller

Please I am stuck with this issue and can’t move any further. Your assistance will be highly appreciated.

can you post the error again please?

here’s the php8 fixes that may help

Does this issue fixed, please let me know. i m stuck as same.

Also an error while creating “Procedure store” in the dropdown as below

Hi @bandari_raman, you have to turn off display warnings, FAQ - OpenEMR Project Wiki

Thank you so much. setting display_errors=Off fixed the both issues.