FHIR Resources implemented on Openemr

is All FHIR Resources implemented on Openemr? if it is implemented, How to use it’s api to CRUD orders?
are there any tutorial help me to do that?

It looks like basic FHIR resources have been enabled in the current release of OpenEMR, but I cannot find the documentation for this. Is there a way to see what has been enabled and how to configure and use it? For example, can the OpenEMR demo be used to cross-test with my FHIR client (right now it just points to hapi.fhir.org)? Alternatively, would anyone who has a test FHIR server (using OpenEMR 5) like to test their FHIR server with my FHIR client? Thanks!


In demographic summary when FHIR is turned on in Globals->Connectors, you can send patient,encounters and practitioner resources so far from Publish anchor. Still working to get more resources created and the OpenEMR bundled server is not yet implemented.

(At this time 5.0.2 has been released into the wild) @papaarkoh

Hi @sjpadgett
Over a year later @visolveemr, is there any documentation on the FHIR implementation on how to use it. I have turned it in the globals. I went to the patient chart and selected the publish button on the dashboard menu and the modal below popped up.

I left it on the current patient as I only have one. I selected “publish” and it appears that data was transmitted to http://hapi.fhir.org/baseDstu3.

Are the next steps to share this information location with a partner?

@MatthewVita can you enlighten us on what is being transmitted and how the recipient is supposed to receive what is being transmitted?

Thank all of you who have worked on this for the past 3 years to bring another free service into the masses.

hmm, I think i’ve made a mistake by including a public HAPI server link as default for the provider client!!!
This is really a proof of concept and testing jig i.e you can easily use our REST API endpoint to test.
Brady, myself and Stephen N are actively seeking funding that is in final stages of fruition in some instances. We have a plan but like most projects that are open source takes time.
This is in active development I assure you.

Hi Julie @JulieWMaas
I missed this post but there are several folks developing client apps using OpenEMR’s Fhir Api. Though the number of resources are limited to patient, encounter and practitioner more are coming with observation and questionnaire next perhaps.
Where’s your client focus?

think @JulieWMaas is with http://www.emrdirect.com/index.html and helped bring phimail direct messaging in for MU

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