FHIR Patient Publish Error

I’m attempting to publish a Patient on my local HAPI FHIR instance and getting an error “No Content-Type header was provided in the request. This is required for “UPDATE” operation”. The server is R4, but I tried with a STU3 test server and got the same error. I’m new to OpenEMR and may just not be looking at the right logs or settings. Thank you for any insights.

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version v5.0.2 (1)

I’m using: Chrome v80.0.3987.163

Operating System
I’m using: Window 10 Pro



No Content-Type header was provided in the request. This is required for "UPDATE" operation


2020-04-09 20:17:37.840 [qtp627556497-99] WARN  c.u.f.r.s.i.ExceptionHandlingInterceptor [ExceptionHandlingInterceptor.java:147] Failure during REST processing: ca.uhn.fhir.rest.server.exceptions.InvalidRequestException: No Content-Type header was provided in the request. This is required for "UPDATE" operation 

2020-04-09 20:17:37.845 [qtp627556497-99] INFO  fhirtest.access [LoggingInterceptor.java:160] ERROR - PUT http://localhost:8080/hapi-fhir-jpaserver/fhir/Patient/patient-1

Hi Carl,

I am also taking a look at the FHIR publishing feature and am working on some code contributions to enhance the current feature and align it more with FHIR R4. Here’s a link to our GitHub Issue.


Dixon Whitmire

Hello Dixon Whitmire,

I am very new to the Hapi-FHIR, I have installed openEMR(version v5.0.1) from openemr reference document and I just try to get the knowledge on Hapi-FHIR from the url: https://medium.com/@ben.che/openemr-fhir-how-to-setup-your-instance-dd646b0daec3. I am struggling to install Hapi-FHIR server. Please support me in this process.