Hello, I’m Portuguese, computer technician, and new to OpenEMR.
It is an excellent platform, with a lot of potential and use in different environments.
Although I still don’t know the platform well, I’ve been “playing” a little with the platform, making adaptations even for use not for humans, but for animals (I have a project to help an animal protection association).
Regarding the platform and what it is aimed at, I found a program developed thinking almost exclusively about the US market. It can be easily adapted to other countries, other currencies and a wide range of languages is available, but I think the application should be more modular.
Instead of the integrated platform for payments, being what it is, it could be divided into modules, and not have many functions that only exist in the US, obligatorily integrated.
The use of the payment system in other countries becomes confusing, as we have to deal with a lot of codes and information, which is not used. Adaptation becomes more complicated.
The same applies to certain clinical procedures, or rules, which have all the logic in the rules and procedures in the US, but in other countries these procedures do not exist, or are not done in the way presented.
(Example: In my country, patient education documents are not valid, treatment codes are not valid, X12 payments and other processes are not valid).
Soon I will also test the use of the application in a family member’s dental clinic, I have already seen in the community some people who changed OpenEMR in this sense, and I am also studying how to implement these changes.
Just wanted to leave my feedback, thanks for your work.
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