Fee Sheet Glitch in 5.0.0

Setup is OpenEMR 5.0.0 in XAMPP on a mac. Setup is working well.

But in the fee sheet pane, when I click on “Void Checkout and Re-Open”, first a pop-up box appears with a warning that “Re-opening this visit will cause a void. Payment information will need to be re-entered. Do you want to proceed?”

When I select “OK” I get this error message:

ERROR: query failed: INSERT INTO voids SET patient_id = ?, encounter_id = ?, what_voided = ?, date_voided = NOW(), user_id = ?, amount1 = ?, amount2 = ?, other_info = ?, date_original = ?
Error: Column ‘amount1’ cannot be null
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/openemr/library/billing.inc at 370:sqlStatement /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/openemr/interface/forms/fee_sheet/new.php at 479:doVoid(1,2,1)

Note that I do seem to be able to re-open claims from the Billing Manager page, without problems.

Hi sourdoughpablo,

We are also faced the same issue and it looks like OpenEMR bug.
