When adding new groups or entries into the fee sheet, it deletes prior entries that were already saved. I am using Google Chrome to operate the website. It has been deleting the same groups, they are re-entered correctly, and when I few the Fee Sheet again it reverts back to 40 topics, and deletes random entries.
Hi @toddmleleux -
So you have patients who have more than 40 charges being added to their fee sheet for one encounter?
Can you send a screenshot of that?
I hadn’t heard of fee sheets having a limit before but that’s what that sounds like. But also curious if your fee sheet config is doing something it shouldn’t. Has it always worked before with the number of entries you’re trying to add, then some config changed and it started this misbehavior?
It’s when I go to Admin-Lists-Fee Sheet and add in a entry or group in there. They’ll save and I can bill patients with those groups, then when I try to use the groups or entries the next day, they disappear and the quntity of entries in the fee sheet revert back to 40. Or, when I add another one it’ll delete a different from the Fee Sheet list when I save it.
This could be classified as a bug. The problem is that the list to be saved is passed in a POST of only the list page in view/scope in Lists editor.
So the max display value per page is 40 thus only max of 40 entries are passed to save function!
I don’t know what to do in core if anything. However if you want to increase this limit goto: interface/super/edit_list.php around L-91 or look for below.
//Limit variables for filter
$records_per_page = 40;
Thanks @sjpadgett good to know.
S’pose it would require re-designing the way the fee sheet works so might be a while before a fix appears. I think I’ll add a link to this post in the wiki pages that use the fee sheet list.