Fault Code 5

penguin8r wrote on Thursday, August 16, 2007:

On a fresh install from CVS, I keep having this error pop up all over the place:

Fault: Code: 5 Reason ‘Didn’t receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error)’

I’m not getting anything in my php error logs about it either, anyone else seen this/have any idea where it might be coming from?


rpl122 wrote on Thursday, August 16, 2007:

I’m getting it today on a new Debian installation from OpenEMR cvs installation of 08/16/2007.  Yesterday I was able to fix the same symptom on a fresh Ubuntu cvs installation by putting in a missing apt-get package or perhaps the cpan -i Frontier::Responder package.  I can’t remember precisely what made it work.

On today’s separate installation, the apache2 log says this:

unable to load dynamic library /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/gd.so
cannot open shared object file
cannot find Frontier/Responder.pm in @INC

Then it goes on to list the directories in @INC

the cpan -i Frontier::Responder seems to bomb out on today’s installation when I try to install it.

For me, another symptom, perhaps related to the same issue, occurs when I click the [Reports] or [EOB] button.  I get an undefined function pg_pcconnect(0) error when I do that.

My next step was going to be to see what Debian package, if any, contains gd.so.  Also, I’m going to try to figure what packages have been activated on the Ubuntu system to make it all work right.  Right now I’m just stumped.

penguin8r wrote on Thursday, August 16, 2007:

ok, got it fixed, there are some debian perl/xml packages that have to be installed, then you get the Frontier perl modules from CPAN, then it should work.  I’m also using Ubuntu (7.04 on this one), so let me know if I can help.