I get following message soon as I go to patient profile. I have installed EMR v.2.8.3, perl 5, postgresql 2.8.7, sql-ledger 2.8.13. Install is on Fedora core 8 in 64 bit version. I am also using GACL.
I started noticing this error when I configured SSL. I have tried all posted advice to fix that is listed with this error. No luck. The error is braking the ability to post any bills.
I also read this is caused by misconfiguration of freeb and or the bug that doesn’t allow to pass billing info to sql-ledger. I have looked both and it seems fine. Please help.
Please provide a hint or log to look at for this to resolve the error:
Fault: Code: 5 Reason ‘Didn’t receive 200 OK from remote server.’
Fault: Code: 5 Reason ‘Didn’t receive 200 OK from remote server.’
Usually means that Apache is complaining that another demon (service on MS Windows) has not processed a request correctly. The FreeB demon is usually the culprit. Others have had this problem usually after switching to SSL. I don’t think this problem has yet been solved.
Two thoughts:
Revert back to port 80 and give up on SSL for now.
FreeB will not be necessary in the next 1-2 weeks as the new 2.8.4 is released. The functionality of FreeB is now inside of OpenEMR 2.8.4-dev. You could get the 2.8.4-dev using CVS (http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=60081). The SSL will likely work fine once FreeB is out of the picture.
I had the same error when I installed. I don’t know if this is the same issue or not, but here is how I solved the problem:
Since I had installed sql-ledger 2.8.13 (as you have), I needed the ws_server_28.pl file, which contains changes for the newer version of sql-ledger. I think only ws_server_26.pl comes with the OpenEMR 2.8.3 download. I downloaded the ws_server_28.pl file by browsing the CVS, then copied it into my sql-ledger subdirectory (/usr/local/sql-ledger on my system). I then renamed it ws_server.pl (replacing the existing file of that name). After that everything worked fine.
Thanks Doc for letting me know, for last almost 3 weeks I was trying to debug the error. I am also going to try Steve’s recommendation and report back my finding.
I decided to upgrade to 2.9 but problem was still there. I found out the issue was the actual connection from EMR to SL. I have multiple nic cards and different apps were running on different nic/ip addresses. When I upgraded to SSL I used virtual host to route and address the traffic and that’s where the problems were. So I went back and corrected the access to postgresql access ip on different nic to segregate the traffic and that resolved my problem.