Fatal Error: Class ADODB_Iterator

frperalta1 wrote on Wednesday, April 13, 2005:

I have downloaded and installed OpenEMR 2.7.1 on my SUSE 9.2 system.  I am using xampp 1.4.13 as my apache, mysql and php installer.  All went well except that when I completed the install and attempted to access OpenEMR with my mozilla browser I received the following message:

Fatal error: Class ADODB_Iterator contains 1 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract (Iterator::valid) in /opt/lampp/htdocs/openemr/library/adodb/adodb-iterator.inc.php on line 47

This might be a php 5 compatibility issue and I read in some other posting that perhaps going to php 4 might address the problem but I would like to know if I there is something I could do to keep php 5 on my system.   Any suggestions would be helpful.


wpennington wrote on Wednesday, April 13, 2005:

PHP 5 is currently incompatible with OpenEMR.  You will need to use PHP 4.3+. 

If one of your project goals is to use PHP 5, there are other solutions.  OpenEMR is open source.  If you need to use PHP 5 for your project, you can download the source and create the patches needed for OpenEMR to work with PHP 5.