Eye_mag and ERROR: could not open table.sql, broken form?

lonesoac007 wrote on Monday, September 05, 2016:

Hello all,

I am trying to install the OpenEMR Eye Examination module. I am running: openemr-php7_4.2.2-1_all.deb on a 64bit machine and Jessie debian flavor. What I did to get the eye_mag module was the following:

1.Go to: GitHub - ophthal/openEMR_2
2. Click on branches.
3. Find the largest number of current-work. Currently, it is up to current-work-13. Click on it.
4. Click on Clone or download and download the zip file.
5. issue the command of unzip FILE_NAME_HERE.zip
6. Change directory into the unzipped directory.
7. As root issue the command of: “cp -R interface/forms/eye_mag/ /var/www/openemr/interface/forms”

I can see the Eye_Mag selection present in the modules section. I managed to get it moved up from being a selection in the unregistered area to the registered modules section. I click on Install DB and I get the error code of: “ERROR: could not open table.sql, broken form?”. For testing purposes, I chose another random unregistered module and it registered and installed the DB just fine. So, there is something I am missing with the eye_mag module.

I did check the logs and I found for eye_mag:

2016-09-05 11:21:29 login admin Default 1 success:

2016-09-05 15:22:10 security-administration-insert admin Default 0 1 insert into registry set
name='Eye Exam

2016-09-05 15:22:30 security-administration-update admin Default 0 1 update registry set priority=‘0’ where id=18

For Physical Exam:----

2016-09-05 15:36:38 security-administration-insert admin Default 0 1 insert into registry set
name='Physical Exam

2016-09-05 15:36:46 security-administration-update admin Default 0 1 update registry set

2016-09-05 15:36:50 security-administration-update admin Default 0 1 update registry set

any ideas?

bradymiller wrote on Monday, September 05, 2016:

Hi Andrew,

Ray’s optho form is nearing end of development and the database stuff has been migrated to database.sql file (to be brought in on install). So, will be tough to install it in this form like you are. In 1-2 weeks will also be in the upgrade sql file and then will be possible(and hopefully by then it will be in the main codebase :slight_smile: ).


lonesoac007 wrote on Monday, September 05, 2016:

I am not opposed to waiting for a better installation process. Will the module come default with the base application?

bradymiller wrote on Monday, September 05, 2016:

Yes, the plan is to have it installed by default (because of the complicated database footprint). Will likely disable by default, though, so the user will just simply turn it on in Administration->Other->Forms


lonesoac007 wrote on Monday, September 05, 2016:

That is fine by me. I am curious though. What is the current best way to install that module? If you have a link that would be fine.