I just added xray to my practice and need to enter a patient ID for every xray I shoot and I’d like to use OpenEMR’s auto-assigned External ID. However, when I originally set up OpenEMR, I set that field as “unused” in the Demographics layout. As a result, nothing displays in the parentheses after the patient name in the top title bar, or in the External ID column of the patient list.
With the hopes of now displaying the External ID, I changed its status to “optional” in the Demographics layout. But, unfortunately, the ID number remains absent in the top title bar and the patient list column.
Is this a bug or is there some other step required to display the External ID?
Just changed UOR for Phil Belford in 4.1.2 Demo from optional to unused & back to optional without difficulty.
Does the field have 1 in the uor column of the layout table? It should not be necessary to touch the database, because change can be done from the layout editor.
It seems that if the PUBPID field for the New Patient form is disabled before entering patients, there will be no PUBPIDs stored for these patients (looking at the pubpid field in the patient_data table after adding a patient will reveal it to be empty).
The PID (which is the default value of PUBPIDs) still shows in the patient summary by mousing over the Patient Name and PUBPID (top). It would be a straight forward code modification to make the PID display instead of PUBPID in the parentheses.
Here is a fix for the bug that caused Paul’s problem (default value for pubpid is not being written to database when External ID field in New Patient form is set to Unused, causing pubpid not to appear in various locations).
Gentlemen, thanks most kindly for your help. Since my only experience writing code dates back to high school, 1978, working with APL at Explorer’s club on an IBM mainframe, I’d be wise to keep my hands off of this code. I’ll wait for the next update. For now, I’m able to find the PubID by floating the mouse over patient name on their home page.