I searching the forums but didn’t come across anything here related to SSIMed (www.ssimed.com). Our Agency uses them for billing and won’t be changing away from it. I was able to get confirmation from SSIMed that their Practice Manager software will accept HL7 exchanges for billing.
Has anyone else here had experience with a billing software beyond SQL-Ledger ??
I have high hopes of automating this process at our Agency so Encounters transition directly into our billing software.
X12 837p is the electronic billing protocol supported by OpenEMR. If your billing service will accept that (and it should!) then it should be smooth sailing.
For what it’s worth, SQL-Ledger is used by OpenEMR to store A/R information, but does not in itself the billing component. Let me know if I can help you with getting things going.
I am eager to migrate off of our MS Access Billing software ( EZ-Claim ) -ASAP, but have not yet resolved some SQL Ledger/PostgreSQL configuration issues that I am experiencing. It looks like OpenEMR is ready to go "out of the box" with 837 billing from what I have read on the forums and seen in the interface. We are almost a 100% open source office with the exception of one XP workstation that we maintain for our mediocre windows billing application. I would like to eliminate XP completley as soon as possible. Is there any harm in starting the billing process now while I work out the SQL Ledger issues?