Extension SOAP OpenEMR 6

Where is the SOAP extension enabled?

I am trying to select the option “New crop” e-Rx, and it shows me the following message:

Please contact your system administrator, the following components are required but not available:

Enable SOAP extension"

This setting is in your php.ini file.

Step 1: Locate the php.ini file
If you are using linux, type “php --ini” and it should show you where it is. Like such:

it will give you a list of all the extensions that are active and it will tell you where the file you are looking for is…


The file I am concerned with is here:

Step 2: Edit the php.ini file
I open the file using gedit or nano (gedit is much prettier to work with) and I search for the SOAP library

To quickly find this line, use CTRL+F. This will make your life much easier!!! When you find the line that has ‘soap’ in it, uncomment it by removing the ‘;’


and double check that your configurations are correct.

Step 3: Restart Apache Server
Save it, then restart your Apache server


My Operating System is Windows

The php.ini file is located here:

After you get your system dependencies fixes, in order to prescribe using NewCrop with OpenEMR, you need to contact MI-Squared to get the appropriate connectors. MI-Squared funds the maintenance of the interface with NewCrop and the DEA certification for NewCrop with OpenEMR, does the required identity-proofing of providers, and EPCS registration.

@gabgrato To add to Ken’s post, if you would like to explore NewCrop further please feel free to contact either Ken or me and we would be happy to line up a no- cost demo for you.
Best- Harley

I am having this same issue with the requesting the SOAP be enabled. I have checked all the setting and restart apache reloaded apache and rebooted the server. What am I missing @growlingflea?

PHP Settings



; Enables or disables WSDL caching feature.
; PHP: Runtime Configuration - Manual

; Sets the directory name where SOAP extension will put cache files.
; PHP: Runtime Configuration - Manual

; (time to live) Sets the number of second while cached file will be used
; instead of original one.
; PHP: Runtime Configuration - Manual

; Sets the size of the cache limit. (Max. number of WSDL files to cache)
soap.wsdl_cache_limit = 5



Test to see if the modules are active.



Does this mean the module is enabled?

what php are you running? i.e. sudo apt-get install php7.4-soap



I think the system upgraded to version 8. @stephenwaite

ok, think apt-cache just searches avaialble packages to install so have to run sudo apt-get install php8.0-soap

we can update the dependencies page to list Ubuntu 20

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your phpinfo will tell you what version you’re running in case it’s not 8

7.4.16 is the version and the soap client and soap server are not loading

The soap module is not listed in the mods-available folder.

hi @juggernautsei, should do the trick

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Being on the right server helps also! :crazy_face:

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You might want to check both the cli and the apache/php.ini folders.




and in the mods-available

then when you test for soap:


note: the paths are listed on the first line (pwd command)

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Hi @htuck,

Is NewCrop available for use in South Africa?

hi @jnaidu21, please start a new thread, thanks