vambati wrote on Friday, April 03, 2015:
after esigning the encounter, we are not able to use the fee sheet to do billing, is this by design? May be we don’t understand the work flow of esign, can some one explain this please?
Thank you
vambati wrote on Friday, April 03, 2015:
after esigning the encounter, we are not able to use the fee sheet to do billing, is this by design? May be we don’t understand the work flow of esign, can some one explain this please?
Thank you
fsgl wrote on Friday, April 03, 2015:
Does not seem to be the case in the 4.2.0. Demo.
Don’t click “Marked as Billed” if not final.
tmccormi wrote on Friday, April 03, 2015:
If you use “e-sign and lock” at the encounter level you will not have
access to the fee sheet anymore as the fee sheet is an “encounter form”.
We suggest that you either choice to e-sign and lock the medical forms
individually or, at least make the “lock” step separate (in globals) for
the encounter and lock it after billing is completed.
Tony McCormick, CTO
Support: 866-735-0897, Direct: 713-574-6709
My Calendar:
… we have to slow down a bit to be able to speed up a lot… (me)
On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 8:55 AM, fsgl wrote:
Does not seem to be the case in the 4.2.0. Demo.
Don’t click “Marked as Billed” if not final.
Attachment: Screenshot.png (71.0 kB; image/png)
esign and billing from because you indicated interest in
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fsgl wrote on Saturday, April 04, 2015:
See attachment.