PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Installer::install_additional_users() in /openemr/html/openemr/setup.php:1236\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n thrown in /openemr/html/openemr/setup.php
I chased this down to see where the error could possibly spring from. Going from set up to the installer.class to the load_file function is as far as I got.
The install stops on Additional Official Users. The load_file function is supposed to have a $filename passed with it. Which is
$this->additional_users = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../sql/official_additional_users.sql";
Which does exist on the server
5375064 -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 249 Jan 5 22:53 official_additional_users.sql
The question becomes why can’t the script open it?
Thinking out loud here.
Any suggestions?
Now, I can get pasted this if I clone the original database instead of creating a new database. The issue with cloning is the theme comes up looking messed up but when I navigate to the globals and select any other theme than the default. It straightens up and looks normal.
This is a google cloud server.
Ubuntu 20.04
MariaDB 10.x
PHP 7.4
2 Cores