installed openemr v5.0.2 (1) on my uubuntu 20 VM. i am seeing the below when i click on the patient details.
Query Error
ERROR: query failed: SELECT title
FROM lists
WHERE type
=‘allergy’ AND activity
=1 AND ( enddate
IS NULL OR enddate
=’’ OR enddate
> NOW() ) AND pid
Error: Incorrect DATE value: ‘’
/var/www/html/openemr/library/clinical_rules.php at 305:sqlStatement
/var/www/html/openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/demographics.php at 50:allergy_conflict(1,new,RHJ-admin-49)
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version - openemr v5.0.2 (1)
I’m using: Chrome
Operating System
I’m using: Ubuntu 20
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