Error, pages take too long to respond / sad face document logo

With OpenEMR 7.0 Patch 1, we’re occasionally seeing a message in an OpenEMR tab (eg patient encounter or visit history) that the server “took too long to respond” and a logo of a document with a sad face.

Is anyone else seeing this?

I don’t see anything in any logs. These server instances are plenty powerful enough and appear to have plenty of RAM, CPU and network bandwidth spare. The client appears to have fast enough Internet between them and the server.

hi @PeteBoyd , what do you have for php.ini max_execution_time

Hi, same, 60 across everything.

Since increasing server RAM and CPU; and since OpenEMR 7.0 (correlation is not causation), I’m hearing of the above issue occasionally. Similarly, I’m also hearing of OpenEMRs swirly blue ‘working’ symbol appearing mainly first thing in the morning. As I say, I haven’t yet been able to see any servers maxing out on resources or being taxed in any way.

Thanks @stephenwaite

hi @PeteBoyd , if you can find a situation where this occurs you can open the browser console to maybe glean more info, like what script is taking too long in the network tab

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