Error number: 1 occurred while uploading file named xxxx, The system does not permit uploading files of with size 0


I am finding difficulty in uploading an image in the Patient information category in the Document Manager and i am having the error

Error number: 1 occurred while uploading file named: xxx.jpeg
The system does not permit uploading files of with size 0.

The file size is not zero.

This was what i found in the php error logs

Currently running Ubuntu
OpenEMR v6.1.1

I am not having this issue with 6.1.0

Thanks in advance

@kkappiah ,
did you figure out what this was?

For us, the reason this message occurs is the PHP settings for file upload size are set to 8MB. Increasing the file upload size fixes this issue.

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No, unfortunately i dont recall.

Had similar problem today and it was in relation to the php fileinfo extension. Fixed it by installing the extension and restarting apache