Error message in PhPmyAdmin

cadprofessor wrote on Monday, May 10, 2010:

Your PHP MySQL library version 5.0.51a differs from your MySQL server version 5.1.33. This may cause unpredictable behavior.

Should I be concerned? 
I am using OpenEMR version 3.2.0   login admin  got to admin, other database
Did not see the message on demo site.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, May 11, 2010:

What’s your operating system and openemr package (ie. source vs. xampp vs appliance vs ubuntu package). Are you seeing it in the Administration->Database?

cadprofessor wrote on Tuesday, May 11, 2010:

runing on windows 2003 server…xampp package.  Seeing it inside openemr ….login admin  click on  admin, click other database

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, May 11, 2010:


here’s what i could find on net related to this(look like it’s a xampp issue with no reported related bugs):,49544

Chris (at EHRLive),
Just to ensure, how did you build the xampp package (was it a straight xampp install or did you upgrade xampp in any way)?


cadprofessor wrote on Tuesday, May 11, 2010:

I download 3.2.0 from sourceforuge for window.  Installed it on Drive D:  remember you helped me…

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, May 12, 2010:

It’s all kind of a blur. I confirmed this error message in the xampp package on windows xp. As in my above message, this is likely not an issue(looks like related to the distributed XAMPP package), but will be nice to confirm the creators of this openemr package (EHRLive) used a native xampp package. Will await their answer.