Error generating hcfa

redlettertech wrote on Saturday, January 13, 2007:

When we click on "[Start Batch Processing]" to process all queued claims with FreeB, We receive the pop up message "Batch process initiated, this will take a while".  But when we click on [View Log] link we receive the following message.

Creating job for: 2-10 as hcfa returning pdf.

Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to localhost:18081 in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/library/freeb/ on line 534

Warning: stream_set_timeout(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/library/freeb/ on line 535
Claim for PatientID: 2, Encounter: 2-10 failed due to:
Code: 5 Reason ‘Didn’t receive 200 OK from remote server.’

We have entered co-payments and justified CPT/ICD9.
SQL-ledger is setup and accessible from link within openemr billing screen.
We have run through the testing of Freeb and all formatbin and targetbin test show no problems.  We are also able to generate pdf’s for prescriptions.

What additional test should we perform to diagnose the problem?

Linux Gentoo 2.6.18
Openemr 2.8.1
Mysql 4.1.22
PHP 4.4.4

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, January 13, 2007:

Is running?  That is what should be listening for connections on port 18081.


redlettertech wrote on Saturday, January 13, 2007:

Ran command ps ax | grep FreeB and it returned the following message:
9288 tty1 S+    0:00 grep --color=auto

Restarted anyway with
/etc/init.d/freeb restart
returned message: Restarting FreeB Billing Service: and returned to command prompt.

I did notice that when you try to stop freeb that it reports that no pid was created.
Manually started server with the command:
./bin/ &

Then tested again and it was successful. 

Thank you very much.

I will look into what the problem is with the init.d/freeb script.

Redletter Tech