Error creating user

I am unable to create a new user in OpenEMR. I get the error

This is the server error

Executing as user:emr_app Statement failed:insert into users set username = 'Meh-FD', password = 'NoLongerUsed', fname = 'Meh', mname = '', lname = 'Ashioq', suffix = '', google_signin_email = '', valedictory = '', federaltaxid = '', state_license_number = '', newcrop_user_role = '', physician_type = '', main_menu_role = 'standard', patient_menu_role = 'standard', weno_prov_id = '', authorized = '1', info = '', federaldrugid = '', upin = '', npi  = '', taxonomy = '207Q00000X', facility_id = '3', billing_facility_id = '3', specialty = '', see_auth = '1', default_warehouse = '', irnpool = 'main', calendar = '1', portal_user = '1', supervisor_id = '0':==>/home/openemr/interface/usergroup/usergroup_admin.php at 388:updatePassword

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 7.0.2(1)

I’m using: Chrome

Operating System
I’m using: Windows

It seems DB user access issue.

I can help you to solve it


Can you outline the steps?

From the MySQL you need to GRANT access to your DB user.

If you have PHPMYADMIN then you can do from there.

From PHPMYADMIN : How To Create a New User and Grant Permissions in MySQL | DigitalOcean

From Commandline SSH access :

Let me know if more help needed.

Hi @Valcz ,

thanks for your suggestion but the database user exists with the correct privileges on the database.

Infact, i tried to login to mysql server with the same database connection credentials being used in OpenEMR and the manually inserted a new user from the command line which was successful.

I finally got it to work.

I had to enter an email for the user.