Error after upgrade: Site ID is missing

writecraft wrote on Wednesday, March 27, 2013:

After upgrading to 4.1.1 whenever we click on Administration > Practice we get a blank page with “Site ID is missing from session data!” and then we’re locked out and we have to close the browser and start over.  It only happens on this one link (

I did create a second site and removed it - could that be where the trouble started?  I might not have removed all traces of it from the database or something?

penguin8r wrote on Tuesday, April 02, 2013:

Have you tried clearing the browser cache to make sure it’s not a client side issue?  If that doesn’t help, then it really is a problem with OpenEMR itself that has to be fixed.  That’s where I’d start anyway.

writecraft wrote on Tuesday, April 02, 2013:

Thanks - fixed this over the weekend by doing a clean install of 4.1.1 and the patch, then migrating in site and database.  The upgrade process did not work for us.