sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
Thanks Brady. It works. Our application is running on a linux server. How do I apply the patch file? I have never applied a patch file? Thanks for your kind assistance
sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
Thanks Brady. It works. Our application is running on a linux server. How do I apply the patch file? I have never applied a patch file? Thanks for your kind assistance
aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
Copy the 0001-Payment-Module.patch to your openemr directory and execute patch -p1 < 0001-Payment-Module.patch. This will install the patch.
From Webmin or phpMyAdmin do an SQL execute of payments.sql.
Copy the Deleted.gif file into the images directory.
This should work for you.
aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
Something to note:
Maybe the payments menu option should be within the fees submenu? Looks sort of out of place all by its lonesome on the main menu.
Besides that it looks good and hope to test it early next week.
sraj49 wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
Thanks Alfonso. WOuld you be kind to send me the exact command to be typed at the unix shell prompt to run this patch. I am very new and I would appreciate your kind help.
zhhealthcare wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
That is one of the options that was asked of us to change. We will give it company
sraj49 wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
When I try to run the command I get the following message.
fairoaks@serv01 # patch -p1 < 0001-Payment-Module.patch
-bash: patch: command not found
fairoaks@serv01 # /usr/bin/patch -p1 < 0001-Payment-Module.patch
-bash: /usr/bin/patch: No such file or directory
fairoaks@serv01 # man patch
-bash: man: command not found
fairoaks@serv01 #
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sraj49 wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
Alfonso and Rod,
Yes. I am planning to put it within the fees menu.
aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
What OS are you using? If Linux what distro?
sraj49 wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
I am on a Linux OS hosted server with SSH/Shell access.
aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, September 10, 2010:
Which Linux Distro (Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora?) and Version (8.04,11.2…?). If it is hosted you may need to ask the hosting company to install the Patch command for you.
sraj49 wrote on Saturday, September 11, 2010:
Thanks Alfonoso. I have requested the hosting service provider to install the patch command.
sraj49 wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2010:
Good morning Sam, I have installed the patch and I have a few questions.
1 Does the payment module replace the EOB?
2 In th payment posting module I do not see a place where I can select whether the payment is being posted for Primary/Secondary/Tertiary insurance.
3 I also do not see a place where I can click and queue the claim for secondary billing.
The above are available in EOB. I would sincerely appreciate your clarification and I wish to thank for the time.
WHat happen to our conference call…when can we have it…I have your teamviewer coordinates.
zhhealthcare wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2010:
1 Does the payment module replace the EOB?
Yes, it is supposed to
2 In th payment posting module I do not see a place where I can select whether the payment is being posted for Primary/Secondary/Tertiary insurance.
There is column named “ins” in payment distribution screen , it will automatically show the insurance for which it is posting. Currently it is a computed value according to the number of insurances for that patient and how many no of insurance payment received for this claim previously. In our post-fix release version it is changed to a combo box instead of unchangeable value, (because there may be cases where you are unsatisfied with the settlement by insurance and you may go for appeal ,and if the insurance again makes the payment, the calculation will be little difficult ). By default it selects the suggestive insurance level for which you are receiving the payment.
3 I also do not see a place where I can click and queue the claim for secondary billing.
We have a feature which automatically bills the next level of insurance: this is being tested within our office.
WHat happen to our conference call…when can we have it…I have your teamviewer coordinates.
Apologize profusely: cleaning up stuff off my desk. let me mail you separately with a schedule by tomorrow.
sraj49 wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2010:
Thanks Sam,
I tried uploading an ERA - 835 file today and I get the following error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function parse_era_for_check() in /home/fairoaks/public_html/cvs400/interface/billing/sl_eob_process.php on line 562
Any help? Also what is base version of the file on which we have to run this patch. The system now is running on 4.0.
Also when you search for a patient in allocation it automatically fills in the id of the patient. But what appears is the id and not pid. The whole openemr is pid centric and encounter centric if I am correct. It will be better to post the pid which is essential link in all the tables. When I tested in the new payment it fills in the id and not pid from patient_data table.
Thanks for your help
tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, September 14, 2010:
By the way, Sam - did you modify the ERA import process to post the ar_session data? Turns out I need this in order to print what INSCO paid on the statements. I can get that easily from ar_session with manual EOB payments but not ERA uploads… I recall that you mentioned this in an earlier thread.
And … how close are we to being able to include this new code in 4.0? Any idea?
zhhealthcare wrote on Wednesday, September 15, 2010:
The patch you are using was given out for testing purposes and also give an idea of the features involved. We are releasing the patch with the code changes suggested. Please bear with us until then.
Regarding id pid problem, we will look into it. Assumption was that most practices have their own coding system.
zhhealthcare wrote on Wednesday, September 15, 2010:
Yes, we did include that to update the ar_session. I thought we had that in the code we submitted for evaluation.
Regarding the release, yesterday my guys told me that they changed all the code per Brady’s standards plus some debugging. They want to take a week to test it out in our practice itself. Dont want people getting frustrated. Is this timeline ok?
Thanks and regards
sraj49 wrote on Wednesday, September 15, 2010:
Yes it does post the data. I have integrated with 4.0 and close to integrating it with the main 4.0 which is already running in the clinic.