rdhingra wrote on Wednesday, June 30, 2010:
When I upload the ERA file received from Availity, I do not see the Process ERA button. Should some tweaks be made in the php file. Please help
Rema Dhingra
rdhingra wrote on Wednesday, June 30, 2010:
When I upload the ERA file received from Availity, I do not see the Process ERA button. Should some tweaks be made in the php file. Please help
Rema Dhingra
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, July 01, 2010:
We have noticed this too. We got it to process when we clicked on one of the buttons on there. It is really confusing. In fact a comprehensive payment system is something we are working on. We should have a solution in 15 days for the community.
rdhingra wrote on Thursday, July 01, 2010:
Thank you very much
Where I can find the code/solution when it is ready?
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, July 01, 2010:
Hope to submit it through GIT after approval from the “powers that be”
rdhingra wrote on Thursday, July 01, 2010:
sraj49 wrote on Wednesday, September 08, 2010:
Hi Sam,
Any solution for uploading the ERA and having the payment posted. I have seen a lot of contribution of yours on the site and thanks for the same. Would appreciate your kind update .
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
We made the patch and it was reviewed. There were some changes suggested to make it in alliance with OpenEMR standards.
We are working on it. It is taking time because our programmers are learning it. However they assure me it shouldn’t take more than a couple of days or so. If there are no further changes suggested it should be released by Brady soon enough.
You can view the demo at demo.zhservices.com with admin and password = zhhealthcare. Check it out: it is always being updaed with our new additions, and sometimes there may be some errors. There are also some changes to the patient link on the left nav: it is not there, instead you will find it in the top with the list of encounters and such. So watch out for them. We will be submitting these based on our initial submissions.
sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
Thanks for your response Sam. Would it possible for me to test the patch. In general people use clearing house and when they do the file ID gets changed. For instance my friend uses Officeally and they append our invoice number with their file numbers. I would love to test the patch.
I did see the demo site and I could not test the ERA. I liked the font size and also the tab ledger. How do I add this Ledger? Is a script available and already dedicated to cvs 4.0. I do download cvs 4.0 daily and update in my computer to check out. Would it be possible for you to kindly share the code for the ledger. Also where do I change the font sizes. It is done globally or I presume it should be through CSS.
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
Thank Raj
I have changes the password of admin.
I guess it is better to have a guest user: user guest and passwword guest.
We use officeally and we have changed the script to disregard that. The earlier patch we submitted contains all the code and it is there in the github repository of brady unde branch zh_payment.
The ledger is currently a work in progress and I will submit it when we it is debugged. please bear with us on that
sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
Thanks Sam. It was nice talking to you. I have never used GIT. How do I access it. Is the code chanegs available on CVS under patches?
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
Brady had placed the patch at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3040507&group_id=60081&atid=1245239#.
Please check it out
sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
Thanks. I will look at it. I also find that there are three additional files.
1 billing/new_payment.php
2 billing/search_payment.php and
3 billing/era_payments.php
4 interface/patient_file/patient_ledger.php
Where can I find these files. I really like these two radio button functions. Are you sending me an email.
sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
When I clicked on http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3040507&group_id=60081&atid=1245239#. I get an error. I tried to search for artifact ID 1245329 and the same is not available. By any chance they have been removed?
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
The link will show in two lines in your email and therefore not a complete link unless you copy the whole and paste on your address bar. It is easier if you click the link from the sourceforge conversation.
I suppose you have to run the patch and sql for the db update.
sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
I did click on the link from the sourceforge page conversation as well as copied the whole link. I also tried to search for the aritifact ID which is 1245239. When I click from the source for conversation link I get the following message.
This artifact is not accessible.
sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
Can you download teamviewer…or else we can do it with Goto meeting also.
The three additonal files related to payments --are they also included in the GIT hub? Or do I have to seek your kind help?
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
i have sent you the teamviewer details
bradymiller wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
The tracker link should now work (it was mistakenly set to private).
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
try it again. it was private before
zhhealthcare wrote on Thursday, September 09, 2010:
thanks, BRady