Mmf Systems has been working with H2H for eprescription implementation in EMR application . The code donated has eprescription module which requires certain authentication that can be obtained from H2H services.
Physician who are registered for eprescribing could register their patients and give them medication using single sign on functionality.
Am I to understand that I just need to email and get an account set up with our physician in order to get it set up with our openemr installation? (I’ve got the patch applied already)
You have to send mail to H2H asking for the following 3 url’s :
1) For access webservices which has to assigned to $GLOBALS variable in interface/globals.php
2) For sending medical history to digital Rx which has to assigned to $GLOBALS variable in
3) For getting the unique token which has to assigned to $GLOBALS variable in interface/globals.php
These URL’s when integrated you can start using testing,pre-production and production environment according to your
usage. Once you tie up with H2H they will provide you with vendor id and vendor practice id which has to be managed in
-MMF Systems