EOM - End of Month report

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, May 31, 2012:


just thought I would  share. One of my clients is really using this program to the limits and beyond. The billing person asked me about end of month reports. Below is what she had to say….

One of the EOM reports that would be beneficial to ECS would be a Financial Analysis by Insurance Co.  With this report we can analyze each Insurance Co’s by looking at charges sent to them, as well as payments & adjustments made by each of them. Here’s where you can find the similar report in OpenEMR:

The problems with the existing report:
*CHARGE totals are not listed
*Where does “METHOD” pull from?  I thought from the insurance Co file but “Patient” and “medical records” are not listed in ADMINISTRATION >    PRACTICE > INSURANCE CO
*Why is “Patient” listed twice?  What’s the difference between the 2?
*The payment amount listed for each “Patient” method do not total the amount listed for FRONT RECEIPTS (indivdual total or combined total doesn’t match).  Where does these payment amounts pull from?

Another EOM report that would be beneficial to ECS would be a Financial Analysis by Procedure (charge).  With this report we can analyze each Procedure by looking at charge amounts, quantity, as well as payments & adjustments.  Here’s wher you can find the similar report in OpenEMR:

The problems with this existing report:
*Adjustments and Payment columns are not listed
*Where does Category pull from?
*Are these “dates” by date of service OR by date charge was entered/keyed?
*There should be a option to run by Current Month totals (which I believe existing report already does) as well as Date of Service driven totals (so that you could see how much money collected from charges keyed with Feb dates of service but not paid until May)

Now, she uses other EMR systems for other clients that have all of these types of reports in them. We are going to look into developing these types of reports. It looks like it will be a long process but we will share what we develop along the way.

Any comments or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, February 19, 2013:


Almost another year has gone by and still no progress on this thread. Well, I guess I will be updating myself. After fighting many fires in the last year we are back to this point again. We are now ready to attempt these reports.

I just wanted to find out if anyone else has made these reports that they wouldn’t mind sharing before we venture into them. The report are as follows:

These are the basic End Of Month (EOM) reports I typically utilize (there are more but I think these are the most important):

1) Financial Analysis by date of service (DOS) for 24 month period - total charges - total adjustments (insurance write off’s + administrative write off’s) - total payments (insurance payments +  patient payments) = amount left to be collected from insurance company and/or patient.  The goal is….The older the DOS, the closer to $0 left to be collected.  This report allows us to analyze trends in billing & collections processes. 

2) Receipt Analysis for 1 month period which shows by each day of month - cash payments by patients + check payments by patient + credit card payments by patients + check payments by insurance  (by mail) + EFT’s (electronic) payments by insurance = total receipts for the month.  This is the report necessary to reconcile with ECS bank account.  Showing a daily account of each makes it easier to find discrepancies.

3) Financial Analysis by Procedure (per procedure code) by DOS - per procedure code need total charges, total units (# of cases), total paid.  This allows ECS to analyze how many times each procedure code was performed and which procedures generated the most/least revenue.  We need to be able to customize the date range so that we can analyze any date range at anytime (i.e. monthly, quarterly,  etc…).

4) Financial Analysis by Insurance Company by DOS - per insurance company, total charges, total adjustments, total payments.  This allows ECS to analyze revenue generated by each insurance company & if its financial feasible to continue to participate contractually with a particular insurance company.  We need to be able to customize the date range so that we can analyze any date range at anytime (i.e. monthly, quarterly,  etc…).

Please contact me at sgaddis at jse.net

bgregg wrote on Tuesday, February 19, 2013:


Regarding the EOM report described in the first post, a better approach would be Reports > Financial > Collections, then set the Open option to Ins Summary. This will show total charges, adjustments, paid, and remaining balances broken down by Insurance Company.

The Collections report is quite comprehensive and multipurpose by adjusting the default Open drop-down to any of the options within it.

Brad Gregg

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, February 20, 2013:

Financial Analysis by Procedure (per procedure code) by DOS - this report exists

Reports->Financial -> Financial Summary by Service Code


juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, February 20, 2013:

Thanks to both Tony and Greg,

The is a small modification that needs to be done to the Reports->Financial -> Financial Summary by Service Code.
She wants to be able to go in and enter codes that she wants to see verses just getting everything.

I will let her know about the other report Greg mentioned and get back to you here.
