
bdwderm wrote on Tuesday, February 03, 2009:

I am going to use a billing service which provides (free) PM software so I won’t be tracking encounters using OEMR’s encounter report (seems to depend on *billed* encounters). Has anyone modified the encounters report so that it uses the actual encounter date from the note rather than billed encounters? I’ll still be using OEMR for notes.



cfapress wrote on Wednesday, February 04, 2009:

Hi Brent,

My Agency uses SSIMed as the Practice Manager software for all billing and we’re going to use OpenEMR for all record keeping (with paper back up). So I’ll likely encounter (no pun intended) the trouble you have with Encounter reports. I believe that another developer built in some logic that didn’t report an encounter unless it was billed. It had something to do with their business practices.

I’m agreeing with you that an encounter should be reported, regardless if it was billed or not.

Other than this one issue, do you find the Encounters report sufficient? Does it need some other adjustments to be more helpful?


bdwderm wrote on Thursday, February 05, 2009:


I have not really used it but think it would meet needs if the rep could be generated with the encounter being billed!
