voipbound wrote on Wednesday, October 22, 2008:
There hasn’t been a problem with the encounters until last 2-3 wks when I would get an error display at the bottom half of the encounter screen. Let me post my php file and see if yours is like mine. I am using 2.9 version.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
$accounting_enabled = $GLOBALS[‘oer_config’][‘ws_accounting’][‘enabled’];
//maximum number of encounter entries to display on this page:
$N = 12;
// Get relevant ACL info.
$auth_notes_a = acl_check(‘encounters’, ‘notes_a’);
$auth_notes = acl_check(‘encounters’, ‘notes’);
$auth_coding_a = acl_check(‘encounters’, ‘coding_a’);
$auth_coding = acl_check(‘encounters’, ‘coding’);
$auth_relaxed = acl_check(‘encounters’, ‘relaxed’);
$auth_med = acl_check(‘patients’ , ‘med’);
$auth_demo = acl_check(‘patients’ , ‘demo’);
$tmp = getPatientData($pid, “squad”);
if ($tmp[‘squad’] && ! acl_check(‘squads’, $tmp[‘squad’]))
$auth_notes_a = $auth_notes = $auth_coding_a = $auth_coding = $auth_med = $auth_demo = $auth_relaxed = 0;
if (!($auth_notes_a || $auth_notes || $auth_coding_a || $auth_coding || $auth_med || $auth_relaxed)) {
echo “<body>\n<html>\n”;
echo “<p>(”.xl(‘Encounters not authorized’).")</p>\n";
echo “</body>\n</html>\n”;
// Perhaps the view choice should be saved as a session variable.
$tmp = sqlQuery("select authorized from users " .
“where id = '” . $_SESSION[‘authUserID’] . “’”);
$billing_view = $tmp[‘authorized’] ? 0 : 1;
if (isset($_GET[‘billing’]))
$billing_view = empty($_GET[‘billing’]) ? 0 : 1;
// This is called to generate a line of output for a patient document.
function showDocument(&$drow) {
global $ISSUE_TYPES, $auth_med;
$docdate = $drow[‘docdate’];
$href = “javascript:todocument(” . $drow[‘id’] . “)”;
$linkbeg = “<a class=‘text’ href=’$href’ style=‘color:#0000ff’>”;
$linkend = “</a>”;
echo "<tr>\n";
// show date
echo “<td valign=‘top’>$linkbeg$docdate$linkend</td>\n”;
// show associated issue, if any
echo “<td valign=‘top’>$linkbeg”;
if ($auth_med) {
$irow = sqlQuery("SELECT type, title, begdate " .
"FROM lists WHERE " .
“id = '” . $drow[‘list_id’] . "’ " .
“LIMIT 1”);
if ($irow) {
$tcode = $irow[‘type’];
if ($ISSUE_TYPES[$tcode]) $tcode = $ISSUE_TYPES[$tcode][2];
echo "$tcode: " . $irow[‘title’];
} else {
echo “(” . xl(‘No access’) . “)”;
echo “$linkend</td>\n”;
// show document name and category
echo “<td valign=‘top’ colspan=‘3’>$linkbeg” .
xl(‘Document’) . ": " .
basename($drow[‘url’]) . ’ (’ . $drow[‘name’] . ‘)’ .
// skip insurance column
if (!$GLOBALS[‘athletic_team’]) {
echo “<td valign=‘top’> </td>\n”;
echo "</tr>\n";
<?php html_header_show();?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $css_header;?>" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="…/…/…/library/tooltip.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
function toencounter(enc, datestr) {
<?php if ($GLOBALS[‘concurrent_layout’]) { ?>
parent.left_nav.setEncounter(datestr, enc, window.name);
parent.left_nav.setRadio(window.name, ‘enc’);
location.href = ‘…/encounter/encounter_top.php?set_encounter=’ + enc;
<?php } else { ?>
top.Title.location.href = ‘…/encounter/encounter_title.php?set_encounter=’ + enc;
top.Main.location.href = ‘…/encounter/patient_encounter.php?set_encounter=’ + enc;
<?php } ?>
function todocument(docid) {
h = ‘…/…/…/controller.php?document&view&patient_id=<?php echo $pid ?>&doc_id=’ + docid;
<?php if ($GLOBALS[‘concurrent_layout’]) { ?>
parent.left_nav.setRadio(window.name, ‘doc’);
location.href = h;
<?php } else { ?>
top.Main.location.href = h;
<?php } ?>
// Helper function to set the contents of a div.
function setDivContent(id, content) {
if (document.getElementById) {
var x = document.getElementById(id);
x.innerHTML = ‘’;
x.innerHTML = content;
else if (document.all) {
var x = document.all[id];
x.innerHTML = content;
// Called when clicking on a billing note.
function editNote(feid) {
top.restoreSession(); // this is probably not needed
var c = “<iframe src='edit_billnote.php?feid=” + feid +
“’ style=‘width:100%;height:88pt;’></iframe>”;
setDivContent(‘note_’ + feid, c);
// Called when the billing note editor closes.
function closeNote(feid, fenote) {
var c = “<div onclick='editNote(” + feid +
“)’ title=‘Click to edit’ class=‘text’ style=‘cursor:pointer’>” +
fenote + “</div>”;
setDivContent(‘note_’ + feid, c);
<body class="body_bottom">
<div id=‘tooltipdiv’
style=‘position:absolute;width:500px;border:1px solid black;padding:2px;background-color:#ffffaa;visibility:hidden;z-index:1000;font-size:9pt;’
<?php if ($GLOBALS[‘concurrent_layout’]) { ?>
<!-- <a href=‘encounters_full.php’> -->
<?php } else { ?>
<!-- <a href=‘encounters_full.php’ target=‘Main’> -->
<?php } ?>
<font class=‘title’><?php xl(‘Past Encounters and Documents’,‘e’); ?></font>
<?php if ($billing_view) { ?>
<a href=‘encounters.php?billing=0’ onclick=‘top.restoreSession()’ style=‘font-size:8pt’>(To Clinical View)</a>
<?php } else { ?>
<a href=‘encounters.php?billing=1’ onclick=‘top.restoreSession()’ style=‘font-size:8pt’>(To Billing View)</a>
<?php } ?>
<table width=“100%”>
<td class=‘bold’><?php xl(‘Date’,‘e’); ?></td>
<?php if ($billing_view) { ?>
<td class=‘bold’ style=‘width:25%’><?php xl(‘Billing Note’,‘e’); ?></td>
<?php } else { ?>
<td class=‘bold’><?php xl(‘Issue’,‘e’); ?></td>
<td class=‘bold’><?php xl(‘Reason/Form’,‘e’); ?></td>
<td class=‘bold’><?php xl(‘Provider’,‘e’); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($billing_view && $accounting_enabled) { ?>
<td class=‘bold’>Code</td>
<td class=‘bold’ align=‘right’>Chg</td>
<td class=‘bold’ align=‘right’>Paid</td>
<td class=‘bold’ align=‘right’>Adj</td>
<td class=‘bold’ align=‘right’>Bal</td>
<?php } else { ?>
<td class=‘bold’ colspan=‘5’><?php echo ($GLOBALS[‘phone_country_code’] == ‘1’) ? ‘Billing’ : ‘Coding’ ?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (!$GLOBALS[‘athletic_team’]) { ?>
<td class=‘bold’> <?php xl(($GLOBALS[‘weight_loss_clinic’] ? ‘Payment’ : ‘Insurance’),‘e’); ?></td>
<?php } ?>
$drow = false;
if (! $billing_view) {
// Query the documents for this patient.
$dres = sqlStatement("SELECT d.id, d.type, d.url, d.docdate, d.list_id, c.name " .
"FROM documents AS d, categories_to_documents AS cd, categories AS c WHERE " .
"d.foreign_id = ‘$pid’ AND cd.document_id = d.id AND c.id = cd.category_id " .
“ORDER BY d.docdate DESC, d.id DESC”);
$drow = sqlFetchArray($dres);
$count = 0;
if ($result = getEncounters($pid)) {
if ($billing_view && $accounting_enabled) SLConnect();
$bgcolor = ( $bgcolor===’#ddddff’ ? “#ffdddd” : “#ddddff”);
foreach ($result as $iter ) {
foreach ($result as $iter ) {
// $count++; // Forget about limiting the number of encounters
if ($count > $N) {
//we have more encounters to print, but we’ve reached our display maximum
print “<tr><td colspan=‘4’ align=‘center’>” .
“<a target=‘Main’ href=‘encounters_full.php’ class=‘alert’ onclick=‘top.restoreSession()’>” .
xl(‘Some encounters were not displayed. Click here to view all.’) .
// $href = “javascript:window.toencounter(” . $iter[‘encounter’] . “)”;
$reason_string = “”;
$auth_sensitivity = true;
// $linkbeg = “<a class=‘text’ href=’$href’>”;
$linkend = “</a>”;
$raw_encounter_date = ‘’;
if ($result4 = sqlQuery(“SELECT * FROM form_encounter WHERE encounter = '” .
$iter{“encounter”} . “’ AND pid = ‘$pid’”))
$raw_encounter_date = date(“Y-m-d”, strtotime($result4{“date”}));
$encounter_date = date(“D F jS”, strtotime($result4{“date”}));
// if ($auth_notes_a || ($auth_notes && $iter[‘user’] == $_SESSION[‘authUser’]))
$reason_string .= $result4{“reason”} . “<br>\n”;
// else
// $reason_string = “(No access)”;
$href = “javascript:window.toencounter(” . $iter[‘encounter’] . “,"$raw_encounter_date")”;
$linkbeg = “<a class=‘text’ href=’$href’>”;
if ($result4[‘sensitivity’]) {
$auth_sensitivity = acl_check(‘sensitivities’, $result4[‘sensitivity’]);
if (!$auth_sensitivity) {
$reason_string = “(No access)”;
$linkbeg = “<span class=‘text’>”;
$linkend = “</span>”;
$erow = sqlQuery(“SELECT user FROM forms WHERE encounter = '” .
$iter[‘encounter’] . “’ AND formdir = ‘newpatient’ LIMIT 1”);
// This generates document lines as appropriate for the date order.
while ($drow && $raw_encounter_date && $drow[‘docdate’] > $raw_encounter_date) {
$drow = sqlFetchArray($dres);
// Fetch all forms for this encounter, if the user is authorized to see
// this encounter’s notes and this is the clinical view.
$encarr = array();
$encounter_rows = 1;
if (!$billing_view && $auth_sensitivity &&
($auth_notes_a || ($auth_notes && $iter[‘user’] == $_SESSION[‘authUser’])))
$encarr = getFormByEncounter($pid, $iter[‘encounter’], “formdir, user, form_name, form_id”);
$encounter_rows = count($encarr);
echo “<tr bgcolor=’$bgcolor’>\n”;
// show encounter date
echo “<td valign=‘top’>$linkbeg$raw_encounter_date$linkend</td>\n”;
if ($billing_view) {
// Show billing note that you can click on to edit.
$feid = $result4[‘id’] ? $result4[‘id’] : 0; // form_encounter id
echo “<td valign=‘top’>”;
echo “<div id=‘note_$feid’>”;
echo “<div onclick=‘editNote($feid)’ title=‘Click to edit’ class=‘text’ style=‘cursor:pointer’>”;
echo $result4[‘billing_note’] ? nl2br($result4[‘billing_note’]) : ‘[Add]’;
echo “</div>”;
echo “</div>”;
echo “</td>\n”;
} // end billing view
else {
// show issues for this encounter
echo “<td valign=‘top’>$linkbeg”;
if ($auth_med && $auth_sensitivity) {
$ires = sqlStatement("SELECT lists.type, lists.title, lists.begdate " .
"FROM issue_encounter, lists WHERE " .
"issue_encounter.pid = ‘$pid’ AND " .
“issue_encounter.encounter = '” . $iter[‘encounter’] . "’ AND " .
"lists.id = issue_encounter.list_id " .
“ORDER BY lists.type, lists.begdate”);
for ($i = 0; $irow = sqlFetchArray($ires); ++$i) {
if ($i > 0) echo “<br>”;
$tcode = $irow[‘type’];
if ($ISSUE_TYPES[$tcode]) $tcode = $ISSUE_TYPES[$tcode][2];
echo "$tcode: " . $irow[‘title’];
} else {
echo “(” . xl(‘No access’) . “)”;
echo “$linkend</td>\n”;
// show encounter reason/title
echo “<td valign=‘top’>$linkbeg” .
$reason_string . “$linkend</td>\n”;
// show user who created the encounter
echo “<td valign=‘top’>$linkbeg” .
$erow[‘user’] . “$linkend</td>\n”;
} // end not billing view
//this is where we print out the text of the billing that occurred on this encounter
$thisauth = $auth_coding_a;
if (!$thisauth && $auth_coding) {
if ($erow[‘user’] == $_SESSION[‘authUser’])
$thisauth = $auth_coding;
$coded = “”;
$arid = 0;
if ($thisauth && $auth_sensitivity) {
$binfo = array(’’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’);
if ($subresult2 = getBillingByEncounter($pid, $iter[‘encounter’],
“code_type, code, modifier, code_text, fee”))
// Get A/R info, if available, for this encounter.
$arinvoice = array();
$arlinkbeg = “”;
$arlinkend = “”;
if ($billing_view && $accounting_enabled) {
$arid = SLQueryValue(“SELECT id FROM ar WHERE invnumber = " .
if ($arid) {
$arinvoice = get_invoice_summary($arid, true);
$arlinkbeg = “<a href=’…/…/billing/sl_eob_invoice.php?id=$arid’” .
" target=’_blank’ class=‘text’ style=‘color:#00cc00’>”;
$arlinkend = “</a>”;
// This creates 5 columns of billing information:
// billing code, charges, payments, adjustments, balance.
foreach ($subresult2 as $iter2) {
// Next 2 lines were to skip diagnoses, but that seems unpopular.
// if ($iter2[‘code_type’] != ‘COPAY’ &&
// !$code_types[$iter2[‘code_type’]][‘fee’]) continue;
$title = addslashes($iter2[‘code_text’]);
$codekey = $iter2[‘code’];
if ($iter2[‘code_type’] == ‘COPAY’) $codekey = ‘CO-PAY’;
if ($iter2[‘modifier’]) $codekey .= ‘:’ . $iter2[‘modifier’];
if ($binfo[0]) $binfo[0] .= ‘<br>’;
$binfo[0] .= "<span " .
“onmouseover=‘ttshow(this,"$title")’ onmouseout=‘tthide()’>” .
$arlinkbeg . $codekey . $arlinkend . “</span>”;
if ($billing_view && $accounting_enabled) {
if ($binfo[1]) {
for ($i = 1; $i < 5; ++$i) $binfo[$i] .= ‘<br>’;
if (empty($arinvoice[$codekey])) {
// If no invoice, show the fee.
if ($arlinkbeg)
$binfo[1] .= ‘ ’;
$binfo[1] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $iter2[‘fee’]);
for ($i = 2; $i < 5; ++$i) $binfo[$i] .= ‘ ’;
else {
$binfo[1] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $arinvoice[$codekey][‘chg’] + $arinvoice[$codekey][‘adj’]);
$binfo[2] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $arinvoice[$codekey][‘chg’] - $arinvoice[$codekey][‘bal’]);
$binfo[3] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $arinvoice[$codekey][‘adj’]);
$binfo[4] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $arinvoice[$codekey][‘bal’]);
} // end foreach
// Pick up any remaining unmatched invoice items from the accounting
// system. Display them in red, as they should be unusual.
if ($accounting_enabled && !empty($arinvoice)) {
foreach ($arinvoice as $codekey => $val) {
if ($binfo[0]) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) $binfo[$i] .= ‘<br>’;
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) $binfo[$i] .= “<font color=‘red’>”;
$binfo[0] .= $codekey;
$binfo[1] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $val[‘chg’] + $val[‘adj’]);
$binfo[2] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $val[‘chg’] - $val[‘bal’]);
$binfo[3] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $val[‘adj’]);
$binfo[4] .= sprintf(’%.2f’, $val[‘bal’]);
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) $binfo[$i] .= “</font>”;
} // end if there is billing
echo “<td class=‘text’ valign=‘top’ rowspan=’$encounter_rows’ nowrap>” .
$binfo[0] . “</td>\n”;
for ($i = 1; $i < 5; ++$i) {
echo “<td class=‘text’ valign=‘top’ align=‘right’ rowspan=’$encounter_rows’ nowrap>” .
$binfo[$i] . “</td>\n”;
} // end if authorized
else {
echo “<td class=‘text’ valign=‘top’ colspan=‘5’ rowspan=’$encounter_rows’>(No access)</td>\n”;
// show insurance
if (!$GLOBALS[‘athletic_team’]) {
$insured = “$raw_encounter_date”;
if ($auth_demo) {
$responsible = $arid ? responsible_party($arid) : -1;
$subresult5 = getInsuranceDataByDate($pid, $raw_encounter_date, “primary”);
if ($subresult5 && $subresult5{“provider_name”}) {
$style = $responsible == 1 ? " style=‘color:red’" : “”;
$insured = “<span class=‘text’$style> ” . xl(‘Primary’) . “: " .
$subresult5{“provider_name”} . “</span><br>\n”;
$subresult6 = getInsuranceDataByDate($pid, $raw_encounter_date, “secondary”);
if ($subresult6 && $subresult6{“provider_name”}) {
$style = $responsible == 2 ? " style=‘color:red’” : “”;
$insured .= “<span class=‘text’$style> ” . xl(‘Secondary’) . “: " .
$subresult6{“provider_name”} . “</span><br>\n”;
$subresult7 = getInsuranceDataByDate($pid, $raw_encounter_date, “tertiary”);
if ($subresult6 && $subresult7{“provider_name”}) {
$style = $responsible == 3 ? " style=‘color:red’” : “”;
$insured .= “<span class=‘text’$style> ” . xl(‘Tertiary’) . “: " .
$subresult7{“provider_name”} . “</span><br>\n”;
if ($responsible == 0) {
$insured .= “<span class=‘text’ style=‘color:red’> ” . xl(‘Patient’) .
} else {
$insured = " (No access)”;
echo “<td valign=‘top’>$linkbeg” .
$insured . “$linkend</td>\n”;
echo "</tr>\n";
if (! $billing_view) {
// Now show a line for each encounter form, if the user is authorized to
// see this encounter’s notes.
foreach ($encarr as $enc) {
if ($enc[‘formdir’] == ‘newpatient’) continue;
$title = “”;
if ($enc[‘formdir’] != ‘physical_exam’) {
$frow = sqlQuery(“select * from form_” . $enc[‘formdir’] .
" where id = " . $enc[‘form_id’]);
foreach ($frow as $fkey => $fvalue) {
if (! preg_match(’/[A-Za-z]/’, $fvalue)) continue;
if ($title) $title .= "; ";
$title .= strtoupper($fkey) . ': ’ . $fvalue;
$title = htmlspecialchars(strtr($title, “\t\n\r”, " "), ENT_QUOTES);
echo “<tr bgcolor=’$bgcolor’>\n”;
echo " <td valign=‘top’ colspan=‘2’></td>\n";
echo " <td valign=‘top’ " .
“onmouseover=‘ttshow(this,"$title")’ onmouseout=‘tthide()’>” .
“$linkbeg ” .
$enc[‘form_name’] . “$linkend</td>\n”;
echo " <td valign=‘top’ colspan=‘2’>$linkbeg" .
$enc[‘user’] . “$linkend</td>\n”;
echo “</tr>\n”;
} // end foreach $encarr
} // end if not billing view
} // end foreach $result
if ($billing_view && $accounting_enabled) SLClose();
} // end if
// Dump remaining document lines if count not exceeded.
while ($drow && $count <= $N) {
$drow = sqlFetchArray($dres);