Enable to fetch page :authenticate

once we login as the admin and create an appointment and try to send the SMS reminders , when we click on the services->twiliomessaging we are getting an alert messing showing like this in the image

NOTE: we have added the twilio credentials correctly.
and if we try to send the sms reminders we get
*** SEND NOTIFICATION BEFORE:1 | CRONJOB RUNS EVERY:150 | APPOINTMENT DATE TIME: 2024-12-13 17:30:00 | APPOINTMENT REMAINING HOURS: 5 | SEND ALERT AFTER: 4** | Error: Error: [HTTP 401] Unable to create record: Authenticate
how to solve this issue.

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version : 7.0.2 patch-3

I’m using: firefox

Operating System
I’m using: windows-11

Two things

  • Are you using individual credentials in setup? If yes then each user has to enter credentials. Otherwise all users will use same.

  • I found an issue with send sms notification, at least on windows where I haven’t heard anyone complain, where when selecting send sms notifications, email is being selected. This is due to a conditional using null coalescing is failing. To fix replace interface/modules/custom_modules/oe-module-faxsms/library/rc_sms_notification.php with attached or edit file and change L-72 to elseif (($_GET['type'] ?? '') === 'email') {
    Unsure if this is an issue on windows or PHP version issue but was evaluating to ‘email’ always.

Also be sure to log out and in on changes and clear browser cache.

rc_sms_notification.php (16.5 KB)

Re 12/13/24 18:55 EST: I replaced my attachment due to making compatible with patch 3. The previous file was for next release.