EMR Update, directly from older version to latest version

Is there any way to update EMR from 5.0.1 directly to version 6 or 6.2.0? instead of needing to update it to 5.0.2 first? Thank you.

hi @Medconsult, sure, the upgrade script in 6 can handle that by selecting the version you’re upgrading from in the dropdown. Please post any errors you find and we can help resolve.

We are in 5.0.1 version at the moment and don’t know where to start. Can you walk us through how to do that? @stephenwaite

Although these guides (https://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_Upgrade_Guides) list upgrade from previous versions, they will run multiple upgrades without need to make intermittent backups.

As always it is prudent to setup a copy and do a test upgrade before performing the same process on your live system.

@stephenwaite @mdsupport

can you help us do this https://pasteboard.co/JQI7fnM.jpg

We are willing to pay if you can help us do this. you may contact us at info@medconsultasia.com